echo "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Private message to users where:</b></td></tr>\n";
makeinputcode("User Name contains","ausername");
if ($pwdincp!=0) {
makeinputcode("and password contains","apassword");
makechoosercode("and usergroup is","usergroupid","usergroup",-1,"Any");
makeinputcode("and email contains","aemail");
makeinputcode("and parent's email contains","parentemail");
makeinputcode("and is coppa user (yes, no, blank for don't mind)","coppauser");
makeinputcode("and homepage contains","homepage");
makeinputcode("and ICQ Number contains","icq");
makeinputcode("and AIM Handle contains","aim");
makeinputcode("and Yahoo Messenger Handle contains","yahoo");
makeinputcode("and Biography contains","biography");
makeinputcode("and Signature contains","signature");
makeinputcode("and User Title contains","usertitle");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindateafter");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindatebefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitbefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostbefore");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is greater than","postslower");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is less than","postsupper");
if ($action=="masspm") {
if ($condition=="") {
if ($ausername!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(username,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."')>0";
if ($apassword!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(password,'".addslashes($apassword)."')>0";
if ($usergroupid!=-1 and $usergroupid!="") {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid=$usergroupid";
if ($aemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(email,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aemail))."')>0";
if ($parentemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(parentemail,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."')>0";
if ($coppauser=="yes") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=1";
if ($coppauser=="no") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=0";
if ($homepage!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(homepage,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."')>0";
if ($icq!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(icq,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."')>0";
if ($aim!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(aim,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."')>0";
if ($yahoo!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(yahoo,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."')>0";
if ($biography!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(biography,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($biography))."')>0";
if ($signature!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(signature,'".addslashes($signature)."')>0";
if ($usertitle!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(usertitle,'".addslashes($usertitle)."')>0";
if ($joindateafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindateafter)."')";
if ($joindatebefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindatebefore)."')";
if ($lastvisitafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitafter)."')";
if ($lastvisitbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitbefore)."')";
if ($lastpostafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostafter)."')";
if ($lastpostbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostbefore)."')";
if ($postslower!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts>'$postslower'";
if ($postsupper!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts<'$postsupper'";
$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid,username,password,email FROM user WHERE $condition");
Also, with the next update to this script, if possible could you make an "Are you sure" screen that allows you to select which users should and should not receive the message?
Originally posted by The Realist Solved the problem by running the repair script.
What repair script? I get the problem where if I have a message with something like "Your username: $username" then it says the username of me(id = 1). I've got a slash before the $ on each one of them...
I install this, but it doesn't parsed the information (username, email, password). I also noticed that the user doesn't get a msg pop-up even when they specified to get a pop-up when new PM arrive.