Version: 2.2.1, by Lea Verou
Developer Last Online: Jul 2012
Category: Profile Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 08-03-2007
Last Update: 11-14-2007
Installs: 93
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
e-steki Karma v2
I'm really excited to present the new, better from all aspects, version of my previous hack (the one that was in beta stage). I've spent numerous hours to make this, its my greatest modification so far, so I hope you like it!
What is it?
e-steki Karma is a powerful system to let users rate each other with a rating from -5 to +5. Each user's karma is a number, which is the average of all votes they have received. Refer to the Features section for more information.
What's the use?
Less flames. Users vent their spleens on rating the one that got on their nerves with a -5 and that's it.
Easier spotting of bad members/trolls by new users. This way, new users will not take seriously the bad members' posts and they won't get a bad idea about your forum, they will just think "oh nobody likes that guy anyway, he's not representative of the forum".
Users try to have a good behaviour because they know that otherwise their karma will decrease.
On a big board, it makes it easier for you to spot members that would perhaps make a good moderator (if they have a high karma value) or members that may need to get banned (if they have a very low karma value). You will also be able to judge how a ban will affect your other users, according to how much they like the soon-to-be-banned user (which is reflected in his karma value).
The features in bold were added in the second version. Features in bold italics were enriched in version 2 but existed in version 1 partially.
Much better and more safe coding than the previous version. Most of the code has been rewritten from scratch.
Great power about who will use the system, via the permission settings.
Maintenance section
Easier installation than version 1 (Only one template edit (placement of a small comment), the others that version 1 had are now performed via template hooks).
Fully phrased (exept for the AdminCP Maintenance section)
Users with karma administrative priviledges can see for every user who they rated and by whom they have been rated and remove any vote they wish (useful for karma flooding that some users perform to be in the stats).
Most of the bugs in the previous version are now fixed with the maintenance section addition.
The bug with the date of the last vote in the profile is now fixed.
Displaying the karma in the postbit is now done with no queries.
Users with karma administrative priviledges can see the IP of the rater in each vote
A nice, usable and extensive html manual instead of an ugly readme.txt ;-)
End user Features
Users that have the Karma turned off don't count at all for the system. their votes don't count in anything, and the votes others gave them before they turned it off also don't count at all. Those users also, can't see anything that has to do with the karma system, anywhere. It's like the karma does not exist for them and they don't exist for the karma. However, if they switch it on again, nothing is lost and they may continue from the point where they deactivated it.
Rating is now performed by clicking on an image, no form submitting required (saves one click)
There is a complete statistics page, with 7 tables that display various statistics.
The Karma of each user displays in the postbit (unless he has opted out of the Karma, is not permitted to use it, or the admin has turned off this feature) and users can rate him from there
In each member's profile they can see if they have previously rated them and what rating they gave.
They can view all the votes they have given in a separate page and remove some of them if they wish (or go to the member's profile and change them). Votes that are not active at the time are marked with an admin-controlled formatting. He can also sort the votes by date or rating (default sorting is controlled by the admin). In the same page, users with karma administrative priviledges can also view who rated each user (fully, with sorting, formatting and vote removal).
Controversy feature, via an admin customizable algorithm. Controversy for each user is displayed in their profile, as well as in the stats and is color-coded as well as descriptive.
Each user can view the percentages of the votes he (or every user, if set so by the admin) has received in a nice graph by clicking in the controversy value.
Don't forget to Mark as INSTALLED!
Important: Supported for only a few days after each release.
Installation/Upgrade instructions included in the zip.
Changelog 2.2.1: Important bugfixes
2.2: I don't remember as apparently, I forgot to add it to the changelog initially
2.1: fixed bugs, cached templates and added the feature of a popup menu rating form in the postbit. 2.0: Initial release
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
i think thay did not visit the forum in last 100 days.
i just know that if user did not visit the forum for las x days he will be not participate Karma.
i was think his votes only will not be counted.
i think the user should not removed from participate Karma, but should only delete his votes.
I think its not nice to register on a forum, post some messages and then visit it again in some months and see that you have an average rating of -3 for instance.
If his votes don't count, then he shouldn't be participating at all, its not fair to be rated when your votes to others don't count!
"Warning: require_once(./includes/karma_functions.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /member.php(838) : eval()'d code on line 1
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required './includes/karma_functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/.tiema/shadows/ : eval()'d code on line 1"
You probably did not upload karma_functions.php in your includes folder.
You are right, its something I want as well. However, I haven't found a way to do that so far.
You can create a usergroup that members will automatically join after X posts (via the user promotions system that is built in vB) and then allow only this usergroup to participate This is what I have done in my forums
What is the error?
Do you have $template_hook[usercp_options_other] in your modifyoptions template?
Yes i do.... if i remove all those conditional statements and just have eval(....), then it works fine.
I have no idea, I've never faced something like that before...
I just tried it on a fresh testvb and again it doesnt work. Maybe it's just me. Can anyone who installed this hack go to UserCP-->Edit Options and tell me if it works for you guys?
i just complete the top X users rating in homepage and it is working very fine.
but only one problem, the problem is : it is show the top rating regardless checking the option karma_stats_minvotes , and because i am just a goat owner i don't know how to add the (if) function to check the option karma_stats_minvotes .
the code is:
PHP Code:
if ($adet<1)
$adet = 5;
$getkarmax = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ORDER BY karmatotal DESC LIMIT 0, $adet");
while ($getkarma= $db->fetch_array($getkarmax))
$topkarmausers .= "<a href="member.php?u=".$getkarma['userid']."">".$getkarma['username']."</a> (".$getkarma['karmatotal']."), ";
I just tried it on a fresh testvb and again it doesnt work. Maybe it's just me. Can anyone who installed this hack go to UserCP-->Edit Options and tell me if it works for you guys?
Ok i finally got it to work. It was my fault on my end... something to do with gzip. Anyways now i get this error msg when i Edit Options
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /profile.php(879) : eval()'d code on line 5
Ok i finally got it to work. It was my fault on my end... something to do with gzip. Anyways now i get this error msg when i Edit Options
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /profile.php(879) : eval()'d code on line 5
Can you provide more details about the conditions that this error occurs?
How many members does this board have?
Does it occur all the time in the edit options page?
Installed, and gave me no errors.
I have a whole bunch of hacks installed and no conflics. Abou 60k users and hips of posts xD so it works ^^
3 suggestiosn I can think at the moment
First: The images (thumbs up down and neutral) should be in the misc folder of the theme instead of the root folder of images ($stylevar[imgdir_misc]/)
Second: Put a link to the stats on the "quick link" menu
Third: An option to hide who gave the karma
Lovely hack, and honestly great work hoppefully we'll see the unvote hack for 3.6
Keep up with the good work and good luck with the MOTM