Version: 1.0.3, by digitalpoint
Developer Last Online: May 2016
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 06-08-2010
Last Update: 12-01-2011
Installs: 156
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This is a system for geo-locating your currently online users and plotting them on a world Google Map. You can click any of the pins for a link to pull up the user's location in Google Earth.
This is something I originally made almost 5 years ago. Now that I rewrote it for vBulletin 4, I wrapped it up as a product package and released it for the world to use.
Put the usermap.php file in your forum folder.
Install the product-digitalpoint_usermap.xml product under AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
Important! - this uses the free GeoIP PHP extension, so you must have it installed on your server in order for it to work.
Uses datastore cache so it does not repeat GeoIP queries unnecessarily.
Can you disable it for certain usergroups or is it a all or nothing ordeal?
There is no settings for that. It only works if there are logged in users. But I have a user logged in the other day and she got the errors and an empty map. She logged on later and it was fine.
Shaun, is there a way to suppress the foreach errors that show up if a guest clicks the link and no users are logged in?
Yeah, would be simple enough to wrap it in some logic to prevent it from foreaching if there are none to foreach.
Not a *huge* priority though to be honest. The percentage of forums that have no users on (guests, registered or spiders) I would guess might be like 1 in 1,000 (MAYBE). Then on top of it, the first page that a user starts their session at is the user map page... probably another 1 in 1,000 chance. So yeah... it obviously could happen, but the chances of everything (no users, spiders, etc.), then the first user hitting the user map page as their first page seems rather low.
I'll do it in the next version, but not going to bother with a version just for that.
Any idea when the next version might be coming then?
Also, The errors showed up for a user that was logged in using Safari. When she logged out and back in later, she didn't get the errors. So it also seems to happen sporadically under certain conditions.
Well the only time it should happen is if no one has been on the forum (logged in, spiders or guests) in whatever time the session window is set to. And even then it probably is only going to happen if the first page view of the user is on the user map page (basically the request that creates the session).
Does anyone have a step by step guide on how I install this GeoIP PHP extension please? Just gives a download link but no instructions... Thanks
Does anyone have a step by step guide on how I install this GeoIP PHP extension please? Just gives a download link but no instructions... Thanks
As root:
Debian / Ubuntu
aptitude install php5-geoip
Red Hat / Cent OS / Fendora
yum install php5-geoip
Restart Apached or Lightpd or Nginx (which ever you are using)