Originally Posted by nexialys
DP ?!.. what is DP ? Digital Point? they are the ones who created that script from the start...
and actually, since the takeover of the script by Hambil, the support is not on DP, but here:
there was not a good support on the script from the begining, but Hambil and the others are answering properly for each requests and reports...
working on a project does not mean we have biassed opinions actually... i'm not a coder of the tool, just someone who is testing and working with the coder to find the bugs ...
and you will not have any client opinion here... if i check correctly, we are on vBulletin, not on the Ico-Content official forum... this place is not for commenting about commercial releases, so from this on, the only opinions you will have is the less of what we can call a good review of the product...
Again, thank for the information. I am still looking to hear from regular users, if anyone else has any experience with this product please share how it worked out for you!