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VBGooglemap Member Edition
Version: 3.0.1., by stonyarc stonyarc is offline
Developer Last Online: Aug 2013 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.8 Rating:
Released: 11-01-2005 Last Update: 08-20-2007 Installs: 827
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

I'm proud to announce that the new version is currently available to you all !!!

You can now nominate hacks yourself for hacks of the month. There is a link on the right of hacks on top of the files.

This will display the members of the Bulletin Board based on their lattitude and longitude coordinates on a googlemap.

Don't forget to hit install !!!!!!!
Please read the guide before asking for support !!!!!!!

Feel free to support this mod and make a paypal donation to admin@stonyarc.com


HOTSPOT EDITION AVAILABLE ON : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=114149
Detailed installation instructions and screenshots in the included pdf file.

Current Features

VBGooglemap 3.0.0 contains the vulnerability fix. Please upgrade immediately. Version 3.0.0. also contains all features from 2.5.X

As always you use modifications at your own risk.

VBGooglemap Member Edition 2.5.1 brings you a lot of new features. It?s vital that you uninstall any previous version before upgrading/installing version 2.5.1.

Upgrading from version 2.5.0 is easier. Instruction are available in the guide.

As the uninstall function will not remove your googlemap data in the database but only the templates and files you can safely remove an older version. As a precaution you should always take a backup. This should be done on each major change you make to your bulletin board.


This has taken quite some work and still will take a lot more. Please give credit where credit is due. You cannot remove any notice without prior written permission.

Changes in this version


Planned Features

Volume warning

high volume of users may slow down the load. Currently a load counter is included.


Thanks to Wachtmeister there is a German translation available to you all. Feel free to use it.

The translation will be updated on each new version.


- Read the attached PDF for more information. The pdf is also included in the zip file.
- You'll need a googlemap key for your domain. Get your own key for your domain view http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html for more information.
A googlemap key is only valid for a specific domain. You'll need a specific google account to create one.
All is explained on the googlemap link indicated above.
- Set the file permissions on the marker.xml file to 777
- The googlemap script can handle non-registered users. They will only see the main map and won't be able to enter information. This is reserved for logged in users (detected automatically)
- usergroup permissions are available in the backend
- To change location just drag the map while holding the left mouse key or by using the zoom and key functions on the left
- First time loading of the map may take a few seconds longer because of Google API hosting

Special Xbox Live version


This has taken quite some work and still will take a lot more. Please give credit where credit is due. You cannot remove any notice without prior written permission. Instructions are included in the pdf file (vbgooglemap2.5.0_guide.pdf)
Special credits to Google, Pyg for the javascript tips.


The FAQ is included in the pdf file.


Feel free to support this mod and make a paypal donation to admin@stonyarc.com

(c) 2007 Stonyarc

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 11-09-2005, 10:26 PM
silurius silurius is offline
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Hey Stony,

Have some additions for your roadmap. Are any of these even remotely doable for v1.0.4?
  • Tie one or more custom or standard user profile fields to VBGooglemap, such that users who specify, say, their zip code or longitude/latitude coordinates in their profile automatically show up on VBGooglemap
  • Tie one or more custom or standard calendar event fields in the same way, such that events that have locations defined show up in the map.
  • Allow for multiple VBGooglemaps, so that there could be customized views of events, users, or whatever else might come up (views, different map instances, whatever)
  • Driving directions to locations on the VBGooglemap
If I found away to do even one of the above, this extension would instantly jump up to killer app status on my forum.
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:36 PM
stonyarc stonyarc is offline
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Originally Posted by silurius
Hey Stony,

Have some additions for your roadmap. Are any of these even remotely doable for v1.0.4?
  • Tie one or more custom or standard user profile fields to VBGooglemap, such that users who specify, say, their zip code or longitude/latitude coordinates in their profile automatically show up on VBGooglemap
  • Tie one or more custom or standard calendar event fields in the same way, such that events that have locations defined show up in the map.
  • Allow for multiple VBGooglemaps, so that there could be customized views of events, users, or whatever else might come up (views, different map instances, whatever)
  • Driving directions to locations on the VBGooglemap
If I found away to do even one of the above, this extension would instantly jump up to killer app status on my forum.
It's like you read my mind on the functions I want to integrate :smoke:

The multiple googlemaps are in the works (including image support) but it's a whole lot of work. Together with vbstatextended this is my first vbulletin mod.

Events and hotspots are already on the roadmap.

The zip code is a tricky one due to the international character. I could make it a custom one specific for the states, UK or canada if only Google would hurry with the detailed Europe maps.

If I found away to do even one of the above, this extension would instantly jump up to killer app status on my forum
Not yet that status ?????? :devious: :devious:
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:44 PM
stonyarc stonyarc is offline
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Version 1.0.3 is now online

Major Changes

The XML has no longer issues with special characters by adding a forced encoding statement. This was mainly an issue on Internet Explorer.

This makes the preparsing of the strings no longer needed. the only thing that is still captured is the ' ". The rest of special chars is allowed (encoding="ISO-8859-1") => performance is way better now so a lot of markers can be handled.

Some people got the error from an onload statement. The load of the maps is now done differently so that error should be gone.

I left 1.0.2 online to if you need to revert but I don't think so.

Please upgrade to the latest version

Sorry If I work that fast on the version but I want this to be a big App !!!!
I'll release on every milestone I reach so you'll have to keep up, sorry
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Old 11-09-2005, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by stonyarc
As you can see I entered my marker without any problem

I'm afraid this might be a local setting problem. But I'll surely check to make sure.
BTW Version 1.0.3 is just around the corner.


I updated the version to 1.0.3. I think the error will be gone now.

* starts uploading the new version
I see that you did it OK.

However, I still cannot.

I suspected it was a local computer problem, as you do. However, I'm home now, and earlier I was at work. It's IE6 on both computers, but at work is Win98, and at home is WinXP. I get the exact same problem and error messages. I also upgraded to 1.0.3 and it didn't help. I've cleared my cache and restarted all browsers. I don't know what else to try.
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Old 11-09-2005, 11:24 PM
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I know what the problem was.

When I originally loaded VBGooglemap.php (both at work and at home), and got the full-width map, I started playing around with the map, scrolling around and zooming in. Then I clicked the Your Entry button and started getting that error message. I checked the googlemap table in the database just now, and saw that there was an entry for me, with all data except latitude and longitude. I deleted my record and reloaded the page and clicked Your Entry, and now the page appears to work just fine.

So the problem is that if somebody starts playing with the map before clicking that button, apparently a partial record is created in the database. But then when the script loads that partial record, it's choking on not finding the data it's expecting to find.

The best fix I can think of is to not make a record in the database if all the data isn't there.
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Old 11-09-2005, 11:43 PM
stonyarc stonyarc is offline
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Originally Posted by JJR512
I know what the problem was.

When I originally loaded VBGooglemap.php (both at work and at home), and got the full-width map, I started playing around with the map, scrolling around and zooming in. Then I clicked the Your Entry button and started getting that error message. I checked the googlemap table in the database just now, and saw that there was an entry for me, with all data except latitude and longitude. I deleted my record and reloaded the page and clicked Your Entry, and now the page appears to work just fine.

So the problem is that if somebody starts playing with the map before clicking that button, apparently a partial record is created in the database. But then when the script loads that partial record, it's choking on not finding the data it's expecting to find.

The best fix I can think of is to not make a record in the database if all the data isn't there.
Thanks for the catch. I'll build something to remedy the problem
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Old 11-09-2005, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by stonyarc

A member can delete that himself. Just click your location, check the delete function and click update location.

There is no admin delete yet. So as admin go the googlemap table and remove the entry or use the backend function to login as user.
Thank you, Stonyarc

Installed 1.0.3
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Old 11-10-2005, 12:26 AM
silurius silurius is offline
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Originally Posted by stonyarc
The multiple googlemaps are in the works (including image support) but it's a whole lot of work. Together with vbstatextended this is my first vbulletin mod.
This actually ranks lowest on my list but would be a "nice to have".

Events and hotspots are already on the roadmap.
Oh OK, must have missed that.

The zip code is a tricky one due to the international character. I could make it a custom one specific for the states, UK or canada if only Google would hurry with the detailed Europe maps.
Longitude/latitude would be a nice fallback for this, but I suspect most users would have no idea.

Originally Posted by silurius
If I found away to do even one of the above, this extension would instantly jump up to killer app status on my forum
Not yet that status ?????? :devious: :devious:
Er, it certainly is from my perspective I should have said! I'm just noticing that a lot of people don't input their info, and so the map has the appearance of being under-utilized at this stage.

Originally Posted by stonyarc

Version 1.0.3 is now online

Major Changes
Works beautifully so far, thanks for the update!
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Old 11-10-2005, 07:29 AM
reteep reteep is offline
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Thanks holmes, update ran through fine!
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Old 11-10-2005, 07:43 AM
TygerTyger TygerTyger is offline
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Upgrade worked fine for me. If zipcodes/postcodes were to be implemented I'd prefer them to be optional, as the databases are very sizable and if you can stick a pin in where you want they're not really necessary.

Aside from member avatars showing up in the boxes (or even custom images) and admin functions I'm happy as it is.
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