Version: 1.0.1, by randominity
Developer Last Online: Nov 2009
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.2
Released: 10-20-2006
Last Update: 11-08-2006
Installs: 105
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
If your forums are split up in such a way where certain groups of users only visit a certain forum, then you know it's difficult to get all your users to read an announcement. This mod displays a certain amount of threads from a specified "source" forum, and places it on the Forum Display page right after the Stickied threads. These threads are labeled with a "Global: " tag.
This mod is in beta, so install at your own risk, but will be supported. Please let me know of any bugs, or suggestions that you may have!
Install / Upgrade
Download the attached XML file, and import it at
Admin Control Panel > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product
Remember to "Allow Overwrite" if you are upgrading.
Create a new forum that will be your "source" forum; that is, this forum will contain your global threads. Get the forumid of this forum.
In your AdminCP --> vBulletin Options --> Global Threads make sure you:
enable it
enter in the forumid of your source forum
set the number of threads from the source forum to display
Make a new thread in your "source" forum and it will be displayed globally in other forums.
Mod Info
1 - Query
1 - Phrase
1 - Template
3 - Plugins
0 - Template Edits
Added the option to exclude certain forums. v1.0.0b
Initial release.
Please click "Install" if you have installed this mod! Thanks!
The ability to include forums would be fantastic for our forum... excluding 150+ forums is a bit much. Looking forward to the update!
As it stands now, is exclusion available on a per-thread basis, or do the same exclusions apply to all the global threads? Our global threads would be of interest to 5-10 forums, but a different 5-10 forums each time.
This is exactly what I was looking for, but it doesn't appear to work in 3.6.5. Can it be updated to work with 3.6.5 or even better, the latest version 3.6.8.
This is a Great Mod! I really need it. Haven't tested it with 3.6.8 yet. First want to make sure if it does work with it. An upgrade would be wonderful
Edit the phrase $vbphrase[gt_global] from "Global:" to whatever you want. You can add html code to style it as well.
Originally Posted by |oR|Greg
Actually I got it working exactly how I wanted it, check the attachment...
I followed your instructions step-by-step and the Global Announcements are not separating correctly. I have tried to fix this and make it so the table that separates global threads and normal sticky threads shows up but it's not working: