Version: 2.0, by Abe1
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 03-04-2008
Last Update: 03-04-2008
Installs: 1468
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Force Users to Read a Thread 2.0
About this hack:
This hack allows you to set a thread as 'must read' by your members. Right now, if you make a post and want all your members to read it, you have no way of enforcing it. This hack will give an error message similar to the one you get when you need to change you password, saying that the admins want you to read a certain thread before they continue using the forum.
Once a user reads a thread, they wont be bugged to read it again.
You can set all usergroups or just certain onces that must read a thread.
You can set to site wide or just some forums.
Option to Force Guests
This hack added one query to every page on your forum a member goes to.
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 2 (1 via ACP, 2 via FTP)
Time to install: 1 minute
Version 2.0 (03/05/08):
First Release of this Hack for vb3.7
MAJOR update. Hack totally re-writen. You must uninstall old version before upgrading.
Fixed just about all bugs. (like if you delete a thread...)
No more template edit. Everything done in ACP.
Permissions for by who ever has ACP access with threads and posts
Force Guests to read a thread now.
Works for BOTH vb3.6 AND vb3.7
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
I just added this mod and it did some really nasty things to my server load. My server runs a server load of 4 to 6 during prime time. When I installed this mod, my load jumped from 4.8 to over 35 in the space of a couple of minutes. Has anyone expeirenced a similar issue? Eric
working there a way to add forum id.idea is to redirect new users to a certain forum when they first login.and i think this hack will serve the purpose well.your help will be appreciated.thanks
There's something iffy with the Display Order and Force Read order. For instance: If I create a thread I want visitors to read and Force Read it, marking it as #2 on the force read order, it inherits the usergroups from the Force read #1 thread..even though they are two seperate entities in the Force Read thread admin area. Basically, in a nutshell, Add two threads via the adminCP to Force Read, they inherit the usergroup listing of those threads created before it with force read.
Something isn't right. Using Vbulletin 3.7.0. Screenshots below confirm I've only chosen the Warhammer Rank to be forced to read this thread. But if you look at the other screenshot, you'll see it also is forcing visitors and Users waiting on Email Conf. to view it as well because the other, completely separate entry, forces those two ranks to read another thread. I'm a bit of a noob so if it's an easy fix, that's fine. But I've wracked my brain on why it would be doing this. My only conclusion is it's something to do with the Display Order (oddly).
Originally Posted by SteveKerrison
I'm finding this too.
I go to add a new thread, leave the display order at its default (previous + 10), set the thread ID, usergroups and forum coverage, and when I create, it has inherited the groups of those above it.
I wonder what the issue is.
That. ^
2) Also, the date/clock is buggy. It changes the date and time to something completely different after I've edited it.
3) The server load is killer, too. Needed to disable the hack.
Some support on this would be nice, since it is labeled as supported. You have people waiting on it.
Zip file updated (again). admincp/force_read_thread.php file updated to fix error of not adding the force read.
Originally Posted by Abe1
Fixed. Search "force read" and removed the edit around it.
Originally Posted by mc0676
OK a find it sorry:
Is only this ?
<!-- Start Abe1 ForceUsers to Read a Thread -->
<div><label for="ao_mfr"><input type="radio" name="do" id="ao_mfr" value="forceread" />$vbphrase[manage_force_thread_reading]</label></div>
<!-- End Abe1 ForceUsers to Read a Thread -->
Hey Abe, I searched for the phrase and came up with nothing. Can you let me know the path so i can manually edit the modification out of it? I am sure it is there because i was using v1 and my issue is the same as mc0676's... only in English