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Whodownloaded_IP with Dates
Version: 1.2.0, by Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
Developer Last Online: Sep 2006 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.2 Rating:
Released: 07-28-2005 Last Update: 12-11-2005 Installs: 49
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

Welcome to Mr Blunt's "Whodownloaded_IP" Series for vBulletin 3.5.2

This is FREE CODE AND CAN BE used, abused, and released as desired!!
I only ask it REMAIN FREE - unless maybe you compensate me as well??
If any code looks familiar, I'm sorry and ASSURE YOU it's coincidence!!

Paypal Donations are graciously accepted if you like this script.
I'm just a broke amateur who enjoys writing free stuff (for now).
Donations goto my - Help Rebuild My PC Fund.
But the script is free if your broke too ... So enjoy it either way!!


Please email me for comments, questions, or anything else on your mind.
Put the exact word "Whodownloaded" in subject to get by my spam filters!
My nick "Mr Blunt" is also at www.vbulletin.org & www.vbulletin.com
Support thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=93167

This script REQUIRES vBulletin 3.5.0 or above and was tested with vb 3.5.2
Failure to upload all files to server WILL PRODUCE DATABASE ERRORS.
Install "Product" file as a "PRODUCT" ... not as a "PLUGIN" or "STYLE".

Features of Whodownloaded_IP:
  1. Log fileid & userid for EVERY download.
  2. Optionally log date, username, filename for easy tracing after deletions.
  3. Optionally log IP's and ALT_IP's (ALT_IP could be the IP behind a proxy).
  4. File deletions won't delete OUR info, so admins can still backtrack.
  5. Customizable width of popup so admins & members get different sizes.
  6. Customizable viewing permissions for the popup.
  7. Customizable phrases for non english forums.
  8. The button to open popup is easy to add to templates.
  9. Click any name in the popup to view user's profile.
  10. Click file date in the popup to view the post where the file is located.
  11. Hover the paperclip by dates to get downloads id# for easy referencing.
  12. Template edits are "additions", not "modifications", so no conflictions.
  13. Powered by one 3rd party database table, a few vBulletin addon fields.
  14. Admins can now search database by any criteria (partial terms are OK).
Whodownloaded (PRE-IP-v100) Uninstallation Procedures
Uninstall any "NON-IP" version before installing this.
vBulletin PHP FILE: attachment.php -- (307 versions edited this)
3rd Party PHP FILE: whodownloaded.php
vBulletin TEMPLATE: postbit_attachment
vBulletin TEMPLATE: headinclude
3rd Party TEMPLATE: whodownloads
3rd Party TEMPLATE: whodownloadsbit
3rd Party TEMPLATE: whodownloads_error
3rd Party TEMPLATE: whodownloads_error_nop
vBulletin DATABASE TABLE: user
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: user.downloads
  1. Revert my old code out of "postbit_attachment" template.
  2. Revert my old code out of "headinclude" template (if still there).
  3. Revert all other templates listed (that deletes them).
  4. Delete the whodownloaded.php file.
  5. vB350 gave a new attachment.php so forget about that old file, forever.
Whodownloaded_IP Installation/Upgrade Procedures:
  1. For non-English forums - EDIT product phrases in the Product XML.
  2. UPLOAD & Overwrite all files from the UPLOAD folder to your server.
  3. IMPORT 'product_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' and select "Allow Overwrite".
  4. MERGE 'style_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' over your styles (ignore version).
  5. SET controls in AdminCP 'Usergroup Permissions'.
  6. SET controls in AdminCP 'vBulletin Options'.
  7. DONE ... Hope You Enjoy It!!!
NOTE: If you have other hacks that edit a same STYLE TEMPLATE, then SKIP STEP #4 AND manually edit templates as listed further down.

Test it and come back to the file's vbulletin.org forum support thread and CLICK INSTALL so I can alert you when this hack gets important updates. NO, I DO NOT SPAM!!! Alerts will only be sent AFTER major changes!!

Whodownloaded_IP Uninstallation Procedures:
  1. Revert (or remove code from) any templates which you added button to.
  2. Delete file 'includes/xml/bitfield_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' from server.
  3. Delete file 'includes/xml/cpnav_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' from server.
  4. Delete PRODUCT 'Whodownloaded_IP' from AdminCP Products.
  5. Read Screen & Click button if you want to delete data table (optional).
  6. Delete file 'blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php' from server.
  7. Delete file 'admincp/bitfield_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' from server.
  8. Delete file '/images/attach/blunts_whodl_vertical.bmp' from server.
  9. Done ... Thank You For Checking It Out!!!
Do NOT uninstall prior versions before v120 is installed.
And the order of steps is important, so please be careful.

Whodownloaded_IP Files To Upload:
  1. /blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php
  2. /admincp/admin_blunts_whodl_ip.php
  3. /images/attach/blunts_whodl_vertical.bmp
  4. /includes/xml/bitfield_blunts_whodl_ip.xml
  5. /includes/xml/cpnav_blunts_whodl_ip.xml
Whodownloaded_IP Product File Contents:
File Name: product_blunts_whodl_ip.xml
Product ID: blunts_whodl_ip
Title: Whodownloaded_IP
Version: 1.2.0

3rd Party PLUGIN: Whodownloaded IP - Enable Bitfields
3rd Party PLUGIN: Whodownloaded IP - Enable Viewing
3rd Party PLUGIN: Whodownloaded IP - Enable Logging
3rd Party MASTER PHRASES: 65 Phrases with 'blunts_whodl_' prefix
3rd Party MASTER TEMPLATE: blunts_whodownloaded_ip_main
3rd Party MASTER TEMPLATE: blunts_whodownloaded_ip_namebit
3rd Party MASTER TEMPLATE: blunts_whodownloaded_ip_datebit
3rd Party DATABASE TABLE: blunts_whodownloaded_ip
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.whodownloaded_ipid
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.userid
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.username
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.filename
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.fileid
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.ipaddress
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.alt_ip
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: blunts_whodownloaded_ip.dateline
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: usergroup.bluntswhodlpermissions
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: settinggroup.blunts_whodl
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: settings.blunts_whodl_popisactive
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: settings.blunts_whodl_poplarge
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: settings.blunts_whodl_popsmall
3rd Party DATABASE FIELD: settings.blunts_whodl_logwhat

Whodownloaded_IP Style File Contents:
File Name: style_blunts_whodl_ip.xml
OVERWRITES these 4 standard vBulletin templates:

vBulletin Template: modifyattachmentsbit (November 1st, 2005)
vBulletin Template: postbit_attachment (Aug 20th, 2005)
vBulletin Template: postbit_attachmentmoderated (Aug 20th, 2005)
vBulletin Template: postbit_attachmentthumbnail (Aug 20th, 2005)

Use these manual template edit instructions if you use other hacks!!

Template: modifyattachmentsbit
<div class="smallfont">$post[postdate] <if condition="!$show['detailedtime']"><span class="time">$post[posttime]</span></if></div>
<if condition="$show['blunts_whodl_width']"><div class="smallfont"><input type="button" class="button" value="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]" tabindex="1" onclick="window.open('blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php?$session[sessionurl]fid=$post[attachmentid]','blunts_whodownloaded_ip','toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=$show[blunts_whodl_width], height=450, top=50, left=50'); return false;" title="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]: $post[attachmentid]" /></div></if>
Template: postbit_attachment
Template: postbit_attachmentmoderated
<td><if condition="$show['blunts_whodl_width']"><input type="button" class="button" value="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]" tabindex="1" onclick="window.open('blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php?$session[sessionurl]fid=$attachment[attachmentid]','blunts_whodownloaded_ip','toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=$show[blunts_whodl_width], height=450, top=50, left=50'); return false;" title="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]: $attachment[attachmentid]" /></if></td>
Template: postbit_attachmentthumbnail
&nbsp;<if condition="$show['br']"><br /><br /></if>
<if condition="$show['blunts_whodl_width']">
	<if condition="is_browser('ie', '5.5')">
		<input type="button" class="button" value="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]" tabindex="1" onclick="window.open('blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php?$session[sessionurl]fid=$attachment[attachmentid]','blunts_whodownloaded_ip','toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, width=$show[blunts_whodl_width], height=450, top=50, left=50'); return false;" title="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]: $attachment[attachmentid]" style="writing-mode:tb-rl" />
	<else />
		<a href="blunts_whodownloaded_ip.php?$session[sessionurl]fid=$attachment[attachmentid]"<if condition="$show['newwindow']"> target="_blank"</if>><img class="button" src="$stylevar[imgdir_attach]/blunts_whodl_vertical.bmp" alt="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]" border="1" title="$vbphrase[blunts_whodl_who_downloaded]: $attachment[attachmentid]" /></a>
Version History:

v-1.0.0 - July 29th, 2005:
  1. Initial vb350 release which adds ip & date logging to old vb3 hack.
v-1.0.5 - August 9th, 2005:
  1. Prevent logging of non-thumbnail image views (images loaded by showthread).
  2. Use escape_string to clean dB insertion variables during dB writes.
  3. Moved names above users date/IP list.
  4. Added paperclip hover target to show id# of the logged download.
  5. Added phrase 'blunts_whodl_download_id' for use in hover paperclip.
  6. Added vertical button BMP FILE for non-IE users (next to thumbs).
  7. Added vertical button WITH CODE for IE users (next to thumbs).
  8. Tweaked the popup's gui layout to give some nice borders.
  9. Cut the dB reading down to 2 queries.
  10. Began building up the 2 queries & other things for future search features.
  11. Set the php environment & pre-cache templates.
  12. URL input (was attachment=X) is now fid=X (fid is attachmentid or fileid).
v-1.0.7 - August 20th, 2005:
  1. Added the time of download to any dates shown.
  2. Added 'bitfield_blunts_whodl_ip.xml' (upload to 'INCLUDES/XML' folder).
  3. Added 'bluntswhodlpermissions' field to vB's 'usergroup' table.
  4. Added 5 Custom Usergroup Permissions to AdminCP (and phrases for them).
  5. Added 10 Custom vBulletin Options to AdminCP (and phrases for them).
  6. Added comments to the installation process to be echoed back to user.
  7. Added code to seek/transfer data from old whodownloaded hacks to new table.
  8. Repaired the integer fields in our dB table to be INT(10) and UNSIGNED.
  9. Modified the internal product templates again (they install themselves).
  10. Modified STYLE file again (you can keep using v105's if you want to).
  11. Changed all but one global phrase to be in my own 'phrase group'.
  12. Shuffled some things around in the PHP script.
  13. Renamed style and product files to conform with the other underscores.
v-1.1.0 - November 1st, 2005:
  1. Tweaked all of the "product codes" for (hopefully) the final time.
  2. Added a new AdminCP Nav Group (left column) with hotlinks to key features.
  3. Added a search engine for admins who have permission to control plugins.
  4. Added ability for admins to manually edit/delete entries from database.
  5. Importing & Deletion of old 3.0.x data can optionally be done at any time.
  6. Deletion of main database table is now optional during uninstallation.
  7. Found another template that can use a button (modifyattachmentsbit).
v-1.2.0 - December 12th, 2005:
  1. MANDATORY FIX to correct issues which made 1.1.0 incompatible with vb351+ .... I strongly recommend updating this product before upgrading to vb351 or vb352, if you haven't yet.
  2. Moved a lot of the install code from the product file to the admin file.
  3. Condensed the rest of the install/uninstall code.
  4. Changed the format of all files from Windows to UNIX.
  5. Updated all the screenshots (zip file has 11 pics so are not shown).
  6. Removed the Beta Tag from the product.
To Do and/or Wish List:
  1. I'm still looking for someone to help me add better language support.
Known Bug List:
  1. Installation messages are english only since code installs before phrases.
  2. Non-IE5.5 shows horizontal href text next to thumbs IF THE BMP isn't found ... which looks REALLY dumb ... so make sure you upload the BMP to the proper folder on your server!!
  1. Mostly Jelsoft for their dedication and "easy to read & modify" code!!
  2. vbulletin.com, vbulletin.org, & php.com for their excellent resources!!
  3. The MEMBERS and MODS who MAKE these forums great resources!!
  4. Special SHOUT to MarcoH64 and Andreas for help when I needed it.
  5. AND OF COURSE TWTCommish for his original v2 whodownloaded hack!!


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Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 08-20-2005, 07:01 PM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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Originally Posted by belinea

But I?m missing a feature. I want to hide the "Who Downlaoded" buttons for normal users. Only admins schould see the button.
Your right!!
That was not intended.
I meant to hide it.

Let's see if any other bugs in the next couple days (instead of rapid consecutive releases).

In the meantime....
I'll give you the fix....
Edit the "Enable Viewing" plugin and replace the whole thing with this:
PHP Code:
$show['blunts_whodl_canusernames'] = ($vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popisactive'] AND ($permissions['bluntswhodlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['bluntswhodlpermissions']['canusernames'])) ? 0;
$show['blunts_whodl_candatelines'] = ($vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popisactive'] AND ($permissions['bluntswhodlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['bluntswhodlpermissions']['candatelines'])) ? 0;
$show['blunts_whodl_canuploaders'] = ($vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popisactive'] AND ($permissions['bluntswhodlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['bluntswhodlpermissions']['canuploaders']) AND $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? 0;
$show['blunts_whodl_canipaddress'] = ($vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popisactive'] AND ($permissions['bluntswhodlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['bluntswhodlpermissions']['canipaddress'])) ? 0;
$show['blunts_whodl_canaltips']    = ($vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popisactive'] AND ($permissions['bluntswhodlpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['bluntswhodlpermissions']['canaltips'])) ? 0;
$show['blunts_whodl_width']        = ($show['blunts_whodl_canusernames']) ? ((($show['blunts_whodl_canipaddress'] OR $show['blunts_whodl_canaltips']) AND $vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_poplarge']) ? $vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_poplarge'] : $vbulletin->options['blunts_whodl_popsmall']) : 0
The last line is the only different one
If viewing usernames is disabled for a usergroup, they won't see the button.
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:57 PM
belinea belinea is offline
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Originally Posted by Mr Blunt
The last line is the only different one
If viewing usernames is disabled for a usergroup, they won't see the button.
GREAT, work?s fine.

"WhoDownloaded with IP" is my personal Hack-Of-The-Year.
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Old 08-21-2005, 04:16 PM
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I'm getting an error

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb3_usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
	`title` = 'Moderators',
	`description` = '',
	`usertitle` = 'Moderator',
	`opentag` = '<font color=\"#CC0000\"><b>',
	`closetag` = '</font></b>',
	`passwordexpires` = '0',
	`passwordhistory` = '0',
	`forumpermissions` = '1048575',
	`attachlimit` = '0',
	`pmquota` = '500',
	`pmpermissions` = '3',
	`pmsendmax` = '20',
	`calendarpermissions` = '63',
	`wolpermissions` = '29',
	`adminpermissions` = '0',
	`genericpermissions` = '205256703',
	`genericoptions` = '31',
	`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
	`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
	`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
	`avatarmaxwidth` = '100',
	`avatarmaxheight` = '100',
	`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
	`ecdownloadpermissions` = '1',
	`supportpermissions` = '0',
	`bluntswhodlpermissions` = '7'
WHERE usergroupid=7;

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'supportpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date         : Sunday, August 21st 2005 @ 01:14:57 PM
Script       : http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Username     : XX
Classname    : vb_database
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Old 08-21-2005, 04:18 PM
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Sorry, I meant to say I get that error when trying to save usergroup settings.
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Old 08-21-2005, 06:09 PM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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upload the bitfields file to your server's /includes/xml/
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Old 08-21-2005, 08:55 PM
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That was already done. Any other ideas? Thanks.
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Old 08-22-2005, 01:58 AM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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I'm sorry Roxie,
I should have looked at your error closer the first time.

Take a look at the bottom of it ... I'll requote the relevant part of the error.
`supportpermissions` = '0',
`bluntswhodlpermissions` = '7'
WHERE usergroupid=7;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'supportpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Sunday, August 21st 2005 @ 01:14:57 PM
Script : http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Username : XX
Classname : vb_database
My hack pertains to the 'bluntswhodlpermissions' database column, not the other one above it which is the root of your trouble named supportpermissions.

I pulled a search and found a hack that uses that column.

I'll take a guess that you either need to upload HIS bitfield file to the server's XML folder or you need to reinstall HIS software from scratch if that database column doesn't exist. His installation script code DOES (at least attempt to) add that column the "first time" you install his 0.4 version.

If uploading their bitfield file isn't the trouble, try asking that hack's thread.
If they can't fix you up, then definately come back and I will.
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Old 08-22-2005, 03:27 AM
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Thanks so much! All is well now.
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Old 08-24-2005, 01:26 AM
laycomp laycomp is offline
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[QUOTE=Mr Blunt]Made some real huge breakthroughs in my knowledge base.


v-1.0.7 - August 20th, 2005:
  1. Added code to seek/transfer data from old whodownloaded hacks to new table.

Mr Blunt, does this option include the transfer of data from Commish's old hack? or is this option not yet available?
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Old 08-24-2005, 05:05 AM
Mr Blunt Mr Blunt is offline
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That feature "IS" the transfer of data from Commish's old hack.
And it's not an option because .... I just do it ... automatically.

Don't expect any stops during the install.
I seek the data, and if found, I transfer it.
...No matter how much data that may be.

Let me know how long it takes to tranfer your data please, laycomp.
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Template Usage:
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  • (1)tagbit_wrapper 

Phrase Groups Available:
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  • postbit
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  • showthread
Included Files:
  • ./showthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
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Hooks Called:
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  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
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  • fetch_threadinfo
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  • forumrules
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