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Creating Custom Datamanagers
Alan @ CIT
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Alan @ CIT Alan @ CIT is offline 06-21-2006, 10:00 PM

Note: Originally posted here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...43#post1013143


Creating Custom Datamanagers

This article will show you the basics of creating your own fully working Datamanager.
To start with, create your new PHP file to hold your DM code and save it as

Now, the first thing we need to do is check that the vB_Datamanger class exists - without that, we can't do much of anything.

At the top of your new PHP file, put:

PHP Code:
if (!class_exists('vB_DataManager'))

This will end the script if the vB_Datamanger class doesn't exist.

Now we need to extend the vB_DataManager class to make our own Datamanager.

On the next line down in your PHP file, put:

PHP Code:
class vB_DataManager_Example extends vB_DataManager

This tells PHP that we want to create a Class called "vB_DataManager_Example", and that we want to base it on the vB_DataManager class. This means that our new DM class will inherit all of the vB_DataManagers variables and methods (functions) so we don't have to make our own save() method for example

Now we need to give our new Datamanager some fields to update. For example, the User DM would have fields such as "userid", "username", "email", etc. These fields will usually be the same as the columns in your database table.

These fields all go in an array called $validfields. The $validfields array is in the following format:

PHP Code:
'fieldname' => array(typerequired?, verify data?, function name to verify data
The verificatoin options (the last 2) are optional.

With that in mind, lets start adding to our own $validfields array. Our example datamanager will have 4 fields:

'exampleid' - this is an auto increment field from the database which is incremented automaticly.
'userid' - a vBulletin user id
'username' - a vBulletin username
'exampletext' - some random text

First things first, lets create our $validfields array variable.

PHP Code:
var $validfields = array( 
Now we can add our first field:

PHP Code:
'exampleid' => array(TYPE_UINTREQ_INCRVF_METHOD'verify_nonzero'), 
Lets go through this line bit by bit.

First we have the field name - in this case 'exampleid'.
Next we have the type - in this case we're saying it will be an Unsigned Int (ie, a number). A list of valid types can be found at the bottom of this post.
Next we specify that it is required, and that it is an auto-increment value with REQ_INCR. Valid options for this field can be found at the bottom of this post.
Next we tell it that we want to verify the data, with VF_METHOD
And finally, we give it the name of a function to verifiy the data with. In this case, we are using the verify_nonzero() function which is a standard function in the vB_DataManager class.

Now we can add our other 3 fields to the $validfields array:

PHP Code:
'userid' => array(TYPE_UINTREQ_YESVF_METHOD'verify_nonzero'),
'username' => array(TYPE_STRREQ_YES),
'exampletext' => array(TYPE_STRREQ_NO)
This has added a further 3 fields to the $validfields, and closed the $validfields array

Now, the next step is to tell vBulletin what table to save our data in. Your table should match the $validfields array in terms of layout and column names.

In this case, we'll use a table called "example":

PHP Code:
var $table 'example'
Now we have to give vBulletin a temporary array that it uses to store the data we give it when it's saving to out database table that we specified above. It doesn't really matter what this is called, but for convention, try to stick with the name of your DM class

PHP Code:
var $example = array(); 
The final step in our very basic Datamanager is to create our Class Initator method. This is a function that is run automaticly when our Example Datamanager is created using datamanager_init().

PHP Code:
 function vB_DataManager_Example(&$registry$errtype ERRTYPE_STANDARD)

The name of this functoin should be exactly the same as your class name. So in this case, we've called it "vB_DataManager_Example".

You don't need to worry about the rest of the code, and if you understand OOP, you'll know what it means

Now, all we've got left to do is add our closing bracket for our class, and we're done:

PHP Code:

You can now create your new Datamanager as you would any standard Datamanager by using the datamanager_init() function

That's the gist of it anyway, take a look at some of the existing Datamanagers for more advanced options such as Bitfields, custom verify methods, etc.

Valid field types:
  • TYPE_NOCLEAN - Any value - it won't be checked/cleaned
  • TYPE_INT - An signed integer
  • TYPE_UINT - An un-signed integer
  • TYPE_NUM - A number
  • TYPE_UNUM - An un-signed number
  • TYPE_UNIXTIME - A unix timestamp (time())
  • TYPE_STR - A string
  • TYPE_NOTRIM - A string that won't have trim() run on it
  • TYPE_NOHTML - A string that will have the HTML made-safe
  • TYPE_FILE - A file upload (ie, $_FILES)
  • TYPE_BOOL - A bool (true or false)
You can also pass Arrays of these items. For example to pass an array of INT's, use TYPE_ARRAY_INT. To pass an array of Strings, use TYPE_ARRAY_STR

Valid Requirement Options:

(The following is taken directly from vBulletin's DataManager documentation)

REQ_YES - the field is required

REQ_NO - the field is not required

REQ_AUTO - the field can be automatically generated. The does not have any effect on code execution at this time. This is appropriate for things like post times that can be reasonably guessed before inserting the new data. (You will still need to write code to generate the appropriate value!)

REQ_INCR - this field is an AUTO_INCREMENT field in the database, and thus will be automatically generated upon insertion.

Good luck using your new found knowledge of the vBulletin Input Cleaner class, and remember: If you get stuck, just ask! Knowledge sharing is what vBulletin.org is all about!

(Note: If you want to reproduce this article anywhere, I have no objections, but I do request that you give me credit for writing it, and a PM letting me know would be appreciated )
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File Type: php class_dm_example.php (678 Bytes, 280 views)
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Old 07-09-2006, 10:31 PM
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Well, I tried it with a simple table and nothing got inserted. So there must be something more to this.
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Old 07-10-2006, 05:58 AM
Alan @ CIT Alan @ CIT is offline
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Check the $errors array to see if there where any problems.

Alternativly, PM me your datamanager PHP file, and the PHP your using to test it, and I'll take a look.

The code above will (well, works here) work without changes though

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Old 07-10-2006, 07:14 AM
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PHP Code:
'username' => array(TYPE_STRREQ_YESVF_METHOD), 

PHP Code:
'username' => array(TYPE_STRREQ_YES), 
As verify_username does not exist in the base class. (It does in class_dm_user.php)
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Old 07-10-2006, 10:05 AM
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That'll teach me to base my example of the User DM

Edited first post
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Old 07-17-2006, 06:24 PM
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So with the help of this tuitorial, I could create a data manager for creating User Notes about members, correct?
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Old 07-17-2006, 06:25 PM
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Old 07-17-2006, 10:19 PM
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sweet, going to give this a try shortly. thanks!
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Old 01-25-2007, 08:39 PM
stryka stryka is offline
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THis was a great tutorial... and I am able to use it for inserting records... But what about the UDPATE function?

Can you spell out how the UPDATE function works when using a Custom DataManager?

I am not sure how it works and how it gets the current record...

I'd like to also know when DM's should be used.... vs a simple INSERT statement within the file...

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Old 03-17-2007, 04:58 AM
harmor19 harmor19 is offline
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Originally Posted by stryka View Post
THis was a great tutorial... and I am able to use it for inserting records... But what about the UDPATE function?

Can you spell out how the UPDATE function works when using a Custom DataManager?

I am not sure how it works and how it gets the current record...

I'd like to also know when DM's should be used.... vs a simple INSERT statement within the file...


I believe you would use $var->condition = "exampleid = 1";

PHP Code:
$example =& vB_DataManager_Example($vbulletinERRTYPE_ARRAY);  
$example->condition "exampleid = 1";
If I'm right it should update the table where exampleid is equal to "1".
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:31 PM
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So i have written two custom datamanagers, one saves/updates the main info, while I use the other (within a loop) to update the related records.

I have to call the database from within each of the DMs to update some other tables with related info as well, and while looking at vbulletin's existing datamanagers, i see more than one method of calling the database, for example:

Within class_dm_threadpost some calls to thge database are made like this:
However within class_dm_infraction, calls are made like this:
What I want to know, is why is one method used in one instance, and another in another? I think both acheive exactly the same results but why are jelsoft using different methods to call the database?
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