As this is a common request for integration purposes, I thought I should write up another HowTo
If you want to add a new user to the vBulletin database, you can use Class vB_Datamanager_User.
This Calss does make sure that everything is OK, it will also take care of the default registration options.
showimages = Show Images, incl. attached Images and [img] BBCode
If this is not set they will show up as links
coppauser = User is COPPA User
adminemail = Receive Admin eMails
showvcard = Allow vCard Download
dstauto = Automatically detect DST setting
dstonoff = DST turned On
showemail = Receive eMails from other Users
invisible = Be invisible
showreputation = Show Reputation
receivepm = PM turned on
emailonpm = eMail notification for new PMs
Value must be 0 or 1 (false or true), depending if you want to set the option or not.
If the Options are not set, the Default Registration Options/Board Default Options will be used.
Important Notice
It is assumed that you are using this code from 'within' vBulletin, eg with the vBulletin backend loaded.
If this is not the case, you must include smth. like the following code in global context:
You shouldn't use CURL, as vBulletin data managers have data verifiers of their own. Just supply the raw values...
I am not sure what you mean by supplying the raw values...that is pretty much what I am doing with cURL. What would be another way of supplying the values?
Can anyone write a proof of concept on how this would be done? I mean a complete file that would accept POST values from another page, instantiate the manager and create the user?
I finally got a working script to add a user to vB offline. I maintain a separate Membership System. When a user registers in this separate system, an account is automatically created for them in vB.
When they register (again, this is in my own Member System -- on a different domain), I collect those variables that I need specifically (and minimally) to create an account in vB.
I then cURL those variables to a custom script (called bb_add_user.php) which resides in the root folder of the forum. The results of bb_add_user.php are printed, which are then collected in the result of the cURL. If there are errors, the Membership System takes appropriate action. If successul, then I grab the vbuserid from the cURL result and go about my business.
Although I am still proving this system on a development server, my goal will be to change all of the 'register.php' links on vBulletin and point them to the register script on my Membership System.
Here is the bb_add_user.php code.
# Add a user to vBulletin (offline)
function qpc_post($varname)
return trim(stripslashes((get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_POST[$varname] : addslashes($_POST[$varname])));
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'bb_add_user.php');
$userdm = new vB_DataManager_User($vbulletin, ERRTYPE_ARRAY);
$userdm->set('username', qpc_post('username'));
$userdm->set('email', qpc_post('email'));
$userdm->set('password', qpc_post('password'));
$userdm->set('usergroupid', 2);
$userdm->set('ipaddress', qpc_post('ipaddress'));
$userdm->set('referrerid', qpc_post('referrername'));
$userdm->set('timezoneoffset', qpc_post('timezoneoffset'));
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', intval(qpc_post('adminemail')));
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'showemail', intval(qpc_post('showemail')));
$dst_setting = intval(qpc_post('dst'));
switch ($dst_setting)
case 0:
case 1:
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'dstonoff', $dst_setting);
case 2:
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'dstauto', 1);
#If there are errors (eMail not set, eMail banned, Username taken, etc.) you can check for errors using
if (count($userdm->errors)) {
for($i=0; $i<count($userdm->errors); $i++) {
print "ERROR{$i}:{$userdm->errors[$i]}\n";
} else {
# If everything is OK
$newuserid = $userdm->save();
print "vbuserid:$newuserid\n";
could someone please tell me how could we use this code ? i try it and give me error :devious:
If you click the register link, you will be redirected to a register script on a different site ( -- different subdomain). There you enter your user information and submit. A new user is created in my Membership System, then the user is created in vBulletin.
The register, login/logoff, activation, recover lost password, edit email & password, etc, are are handled in my separate Membership System, pushing the results to vBulletin.
I am in the process of writing a user signup integration script. My forum runs on a separate server from my main site. I am going to need to write hooks in quite a few places. I've compiled a list of the spots where I will need to have remote vB hooks.
Initial user signup:
Add the user, put them in the email confirmation group. (my site sends a confirmation email).
When the user clicks the link in the confirmation email.
Password and email changes:
When the user wants to change their email or password.
This will all need to be done from a remote server so I too will most likely be using cURL. Obviously I want to keep these changes in sync. It isn't fully clear to me if it would be easier to write a plugin with change password/email hooks that will update my system or if I should just deny these changes from the vBulletin side and change the permission denied template to point to the proper place on my site.
Once I've hammered through the few remaining issues, I will post my results and code here.
Originally Posted by scott8539
Geez, that was a long time ago and I have taken a completely different approach to it.
I do have my own way of creating a vB account from an external site. In fact, I just went live with it today.
If you click the register link, you will be redirected to a register script on a different site ( -- different subdomain). There you enter your user information and submit. A new user is created in my Membership System, then the user is created in vBulletin.
The register, login/logoff, activation, recover lost password, edit email & password, etc, are are handled in my separate Membership System, pushing the results to vBulletin.
Woops, just read your post and you seem to be describing everything I just mentioned. Care to give the rest of an idea of how long it took?