Q: The link doesn't look right on the navbar
A: While on your forums view the source and search for id="navbar_search"
To the right should be "class" (For the default skin the class is "vbmenu_control")
Edit the navbar template
PHP Code:
<td id="custom_links" class="vbmenu_control">
Replace the "class" so it's the same as the search's class.
Let's say you're class is "nav_element" then it should look like this
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'image' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Tuesday, January 3rd 2006 @ 12:53:41 AM
Script : http://www.****.org/forum/admincp/admin_custom_links.php
Referrer : http://www.****.org/forum/admincp/admin_custom_links.php?do=add
IP Address : ********
Username : ****
Classname : vb_database
I'm sorry about that
Run this query in your ACP
ALTER TABLE custom_droplinks ADD vb_image varchar(60) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
Change the prefix "vb_" to the prefix you're vbulletin is using.
If that doesn't work re-download the product, uninstall your current one and upload the newly downloaded one.
ok. I upgraded last night. I went in to add a photo ( smilie ) as the pic.
but i get this error on submit. Now i cannot customize my links at all. no matter what changes i do. I stull get the same error :P
any suggestions ?
PHP Code:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE custom_droplinks
SET url = 'http://www.******.com/Treasure/online.php',
name = 'Who\'s Online',
new_window = '1',
alt = 'Who is Visiting the board Right now',
number = '0',
image = '0',
WHERE linkid = 4;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE linkid = 4
' at line 9
Error Number : 1064
Date : Tuesday, January 3rd 2006 @ 06:15:54 AM
Script : http://www.******.com/Treasure/admincp/admin_custom_links.php
Referrer : http://www.******.com/Treasure/admincp/admin_custom_links.php?do=edit&linkid=4
IP Address : **.64.**.194
Username : ******
Classname : vb_database
ok. I upgraded last night. I went in to add a photo ( smilie ) as the pic.
but i get this error on submit. Now i cannot customize my links at all. no matter what changes i do. I stull get the same error :P
any suggestions ?
PHP Code:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE custom_droplinks SET url = 'http://www.******.com/Treasure/online.php', name = 'Who\'s Online', new_window = '1', alt = 'Who is Visiting the board Right now', number = '0', image = '0', WHERE linkid = 4;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'WHERE linkid = 4 ' at line 9 Error Number : 1064 Date : Tuesday, January 3rd 2006 @ 06:15:54 AM Script : http://www.******.com/Treasure/admincp/admin_custom_links.php Referrer : http://www.******.com/Treasure/admincp/admin_custom_links.php?do=edit&linkid=4 IP Address : **.64.**.194 Username : ****** Classname : vb_database
Same Problem... but its weird, 'cos when I apply the quarry the problem began.
I guess I fixed the errors since no one reported any.
I'm kind of debating on adding stuff to this hack or make another one.
I have no idea how I would go about making it permission based.
I am brainstorming on how I would have it so you can add multiple drop down lists.
I guess I can start with Admin Permissions, like what admin(s) can add, edit, and delete the links.