Joe Velez began developing for the web in 1998. He is an avid vBulletin user and volunteers his services as a administrator. He currently spends his time maintaining and developing
GO-TOTAL LLC had everyone in mind when GTCustom Pageswas created.
Custom pages can now be created with little or no coding knowledge.
If you know how to create a phrase within ADMINCP / LANGUAGES then you can create custom pages with ease.
First Download and install product and...
Let's Create A Custom "About Us" Page:
In your favorite editor, create the contents of the page. HTML is allowed.
When you finish with the contents of the page, create 2 phrases (an optional subtitle is available).
"gtcustom_about_header" - title of custom page
"gtcustom_about" - contents of custom page
"gtcustom_about_subtitle" -optional subtitle for custom page; the subtitle (table cell) will only display if it's created
That's it! Now, go visit the page via URL: $vboptions[bburl]/goto.php?section=about
- Replace bold text with your choice of name. Follow naming convention as described above or the pages will not display.
- All 'xxx_header' phrases should be added to GLOBAL phrase group. (Needs to be global to display in navbar, etc.)
- All other phrases are required to be in GTCustom Pages phrase group. (If it's not here, cutom page will not work.) Tips:
URL looks good with mod-rewrite enabled.
For example, $vboptions[bburl]/goto/section/about, $vboptions[bburl]/goto_section_about.html
Use short names to prevent mod-rewrite (SEO links) problems. (It really depends on your setup. For example, some SEO scripts will convert every '_' into '/'. Which will prevent custom page from being displayed.)
about - (GOOD)
terms - (GOOD)
privacy - (GOOD)
about_us - (BAD)
terms_of_service - (BAD)
privacy_policy - (BAD)
Examples Included With Product:
About Us Custom Page - phrases: gtcustom_about_header, gtcustom_about
URL: $vboptions[bburl]/goto.php?section=about
Terms Of Service Custom Page - phrases: gtcustom_terms_header, gtcustom_terms
URL: $vboptions[bburl]/goto.php?section=terms
Additional options available in Admincp/ vBulletin Options/ Site Name / URL / Contact Details to create Terms of Service
could I use this technique to produce a unique " Invoice page" for each of my users?
Essentially what I want to do is to have a page that each member can open, and that will show their " Invoice Number", which is the same as their "IDnumber". They then print out the page and send their payment to me by ordinary mail.
How do I include the " IDnumber" on the custom page?
Also, and this would be neat- once I have manually inserted their payment into the " paid subscriptions" section of the admincp, how can I get the paid subscriptions part of the usercp- the " active subscriptions" part, to show up on my custom page?
All my members do not use the online paid subscriptions functions( they work for the NHS). And I need a page that they can easily access to produce/print out an invoice.
all help much appreciated
yes, it can be done ... you will need to create the template - use $bbuserinfo[userid] to display ID
I also suggest a PRINT feature that will display only the "invoice" for printing purposes .. this cannot be done out-of-the-box with this addon. You will need to modify addon.