It is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, create folders, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options. Sorry, no screenshots. Maybe if someone is nice they will provide a link to the latest version of ecDownloads for everyone to view it.
Changes in 3.2
- Too many to list... its a whole new world
Known Bugs:
- Missing phrase in add file (on nav bar)
- No file protection, add it here if you want:
- Missing phrases (ecdownloads_can_edit_all and ecdownloads_can_view_disabled) in admincp
Make the file edits in ecDownloads.txt
Upload the contents of 'upload' to your forum directory
Run the downloadinstaller.php file in the admincp (install/rebuild styles and phrases)
Create a directory called 'downloads' (or whatever you put in your settings) and make it writeable and executable
Oke here the screens how I setup the category, and my pad to de server (downloads), and how I added a file (uploading).
The file is called, but when I have uploaded the file, the file called "F1C Iroland iroland [].zip" The text which I fill in in the category comes stand also in my filename on the server.
THanks for the images. However, please provide an image of the Downloads->settings. Your linking is probably messed up.
When I go back to the original files I find out that half the options are now set as NO..
I am not sure what your talking about here. Are the admin settings in the admincp/usergroup.php reverted back to no? What exactly is the problem.
THanks for the images. However, please provide an image of the Downloads->settings. Your linking is probably messed up.
I am not sure what your talking about here. Are the admin settings in the admincp/usergroup.php reverted back to no? What exactly is the problem.
It was a typo in usergroups.php my mistake
now when I try and download I get the following
(for example)
Multiple Choices
The document name you requested (/downloads/777/SWG Joes Farm 1.01 [].zip) could not be found on this server. However, we found documents with names similar to the one you requested.
Available documents:
/downloads.php/777/SWG Joes Farm 1.01 [].zip (common basename)
Please consider informing the owner of the referring page about the broken link.
and then
Warning: move_uploaded_file(//downloads/777/SWG x test [].rar): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54
Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpo65Jfl' to '//downloads/777/SWG x test [].rar' in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54
any reason why whenever I do something in the admin panel.. it said can't find phrease.
Its been explained 4-5 times already. I just didnt feel like adding them. P.S. Skyline: add me to your msn: ronin(at)elitecoders(dot)org
But it is strange, I can upload many files I want, but no downloading.
That ist strange. Im sure you have SOMETHING set up wrong, because it works for me and most people figure out how to set it up after a while. If you want to talk with me on msn, you can do that too [ronin(at)elitecoders(dot)org]
now when I try and download I get the following
Thats because the directory '' does not exist. Your downloads directory is I suggest editing your download settings from the admin panel.
Now says Succesfully added file but I still get this error, with no files in the folder
Warning: move_uploaded_file(/forums/downloads/SWG TEST LATEST TEST [].rar): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54
Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpXwz79g' to '/forums/downloads/SWG TEST LATEST TEST [].rar' in /includes/dl_add.php on line 54
That ist strange. Im sure you have SOMETHING set up wrong, because it works for me and most people figure out how to set it up after a while. If you want to talk with me on msn, you can do that too [ronin(at)elitecoders(dot)org]
Oke, I go to sleep now, en figured out tomorrow, I set my backup back, and do een clean install of the hack, I tell you tommorrow. For now, thnx for the support.