Version: 1.00, by ringleader
Developer Last Online: Dec 2011
Category: Show Thread Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 08-29-2007
Last Update: 09-17-2007
Installs: 117
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This is a slightly modified version of "Bump thread and make thread older" by Kentaurus, and "Bump Threads/Make Threads older" by Andreas, who both provided the basis for this work.
It allows the administrator to set which usergroups can use this feature, and can limit the number of times it can be used on a single thread by anyone using a thread bump limit.
Be kind - it's my first attempt at making one of these, and the documentation for each version of vbulletin is confusing.
An option called "Bump thread" allows a user with the correct permissions set to make the last post in a thread equivalen to the current time.
An option called "make thread older" or "debump" allows a user with permissions set to make the last post in a
thread one day older.
1 Product XML (1 Plugin, 12 Phrases (+admin help topics), 1 template re-write if you have Andreas' Template Modification System installed (ignored if not))
Only single Thread bumping/de-bumping is supported.
I do not intend to upgrade this product, but may do if I find the time.
1. Upload bitfield_bumpthreads.xml to your ./includes/xml folder
2. Import the product-bumpthreads.xml
3. If you do not have Andreas' Template Modification System installed, you must do template edits by hand. These are found in the templateedits.txt file.
4. Upload bump.gif and debump.gif to your images/buttons folder.
5. Set Usergroup permissions for the product.
1. Uninstall the product.
1. Set individual usergroup permissions to turn on the ability to Bump/De-bump a thread for each usergroup (default is no ability to access this function).
2. Limit the number of times a thread can be bumped/de-bumped by each usergroup (in case you want normal users to be able to bump a thread only once, but for moderators it can be many times).
Database alterations carried out:
1. Adds columns 'bump' and 'debump' to your 'thread' table to count the number of times a thread has been bumped.
2. Adds columns 'bumpthreadspermissions' and 'bumpthreadslimit' to the 'usergroup' table to track who has permission to use the feature, and how many times per thread.
Buttons courtesy of the excellent talents of dutchbb.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Here are some different buttons that I'm using. They are in .png format so it just looks cleaner against other backgrounds. So, you need to rename to "bump.gif" and "debump.gif"
2. Limit the number of times a thread can be bumped/de-bumped by each usergroup (in case you want normal users to be able to bump a thread only once, but for moderators it can be many times).
so does this mean if i limit normal user group to 3 does it mean all users have 3 bumps each to that thread or 3 bumps between all the users