Version: 1.0.7, by kermit2
Developer Last Online: Feb 2016
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.0.2
Released: 03-25-2010
Last Update: 10-16-2014
Installs: 80
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
AutoLinker Lite is a keyword linker for vBulletin 3.7 upwards, 4.x, and vBulletin CMS. It allows the webmaster to configure particular words or phrases as keywords, which will then be automatically linked when they appear in user posts. As well as being hyperlinked, keywords can have pop-over info boxes, as in the image below:
These info boxes are highly configurable (colours, borders, fade in/fade out effect etc), and can contain html - meaning you can embed images, videos etc. Balloon-style boxes are also supported.
AutoLinker Lite has a flexible permissions system, allowing you to control which forums a given link appears in, and which usergroups it is visible too.
This is a free version of a commercial product, and contains a limit on the number of AutoLinks that you may create. Other than that, it is fully functional.
Please note that AutoLinks in the CMS do not work in vBulletin 4.0.0 and 4.0.1. 4.0.2 and upwards are fine.
A couple more images to hopefully whet your appetite:
Haywire: I've been trying to replicate this problem, but haven't yet been able to. We don't tend to use Windows and I'm not yet sure if it's a Windows-specific issue.
Mahfouz: You can limit the number of times a keyword is linked to per-post (it's under the Settings menu)
kermit, i can give you temp access to my site settings if you'd like so you can see what the problem may be. Let me know via PM and i'll send you the info for the site.
Following on from Mahfouz's other point (that existing links sometimes get converted to AutoLinks), I've released v1.0.5 now, which fixes this issue. For anyone wanting to upgrade from 1.0.4, it's just a case of uploading the new autolinker/autolinker.php file.
and another thing, for example if i choose games as a keyword and if this word repeated for 3 times on the post it must autolinkthe first one only, not all the three.
Originally Posted by kermit2
Mahfouz: You can limit the number of times a keyword is linked to per-post (it's under the Settings menu)
thank you for this mod. :up:
I like it, but I've the same problem as mahfouz. The number of times reduce links per post.
I miss the following function:
In case the plugin finds more of once the same word in a post, it will only change the first one.
This is to avoid inconveniences to the users.
I've been using this mod for almost a year now. I guess I would consider my site pretty heavily modified. It works fantastically. I have well somewhere in the vicinity of 500-1000 definitions. And by now, I've got well over 1,000 links auto created throughout my site.
Excellent modification, and well worth the extremely modest price, for the future growth of your site.
I've been using this mod for almost a year now. I guess I would consider my site pretty heavily modified. It works fantastically. I have well somewhere in the vicinity of 500-1000 definitions. And by now, I've got well over 1,000 links auto created throughout my site.
Excellent modification, and well worth the extremely modest price, for the future growth of your site.
Sorry, only just noticed this. It's certainly working on all the 3.8 series. I've not tested it in anything higher than 4.0.2 yet, but I can't see any reason for it not to work. Obviously if you bought the paid version and it didn't work you'd get a refund; but the paid version is more of the same - so if the Lite version works in > 4.0.2 so should the full version