Version: 1.00, by trafix
Developer Last Online: Jul 2008
Version: 3.0.5
Released: 01-20-2005
Last Update: 01-20-2005
Installs: 15
No support by the author.
Requested by Floris
This is another simple script based on the Close thread after 30 days .... BUT ...
This one will auto move all threads to an archive forum where the last post is 365 days or older
There is 2 variables for you to edit
Defult is set to "1"
$newforum = the forum number that these threads are to be moved to
Defult is set to 365
this means that threads that havnt been replied to in the last 365 days will be moved to the nominated archive forum
you can change 365 to whatever days you like
Please click Install
Found an error in the code please download new zip and replace the file on your forum
Added file ...
This file will move threads from a specific forum to another spacific forum, edit as instructed
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Sorry for intruding, but this query is a PHP code dependant query and you cannot run it in phpMyadmin, or in the admin cp query. That's why you are getting errors. MySQL doesn't know what a "$db_site->(query" is! LOL!
If you want to test the query (the MySQL way), just type this (and fill in the blanks):
PHP Code:
UPDATE thread SET forumid = [forumid number where all the threads will be moved ]
Where lastpost <= [what move date value]
AND forumid != [forumid number where all the threads will be moved]
OR sticky != 1
BTW, this won't be a test on your forums ... it going to do the deed!
Sorry for intruding, but this query is a PHP code dependant query and you cannot run it in phpMyadmin, or in the admin cp query. That's why you are getting errors. MySQL doesn't know what a "$db_site->(query" is! LOL!
If you want to test the query (the MySQL way), just type this (and fill in the blanks):
PHP Code:
UPDATE thread SET forumid = [forumid number where all the threads will be moved ]
Where lastpost <= [what move date value]
AND forumid != [forumid number where all the threads will be moved]
OR sticky != 1
BTW, this won't be a test on your forums ... it going to do the deed!
This is the closest hack to what I'm looking for that I've found.
Instead of moving, closing, or what not, I'd just like it to add a little
clock icon in the left column if the thread is older than xx, when someone
replies to it.
Is there an easy way to mod this mod to do that?
Thanks. This cron stuff is just a little beyond my programming skills ATM.
This is a great looking hack.
This is the closest hack to what I'm looking for that I've found.
Instead of moving, closing, or what not, I'd just like it to add a little
clock icon in the left column if the thread is older than xx, when someone
replies to it.
Is there an easy way to mod this mod to do that?
Thanks. This cron stuff is just a little beyond my programming skills ATM.
This is a great looking hack.
so ... the clock replaces the original icon selected? ... or appears under it?