I was running flash chat and was not as lucky as most people when I was hit yesterday. The message board was the only thing left, the index file for that had been replaced with something to the effect HACKEYD BY STOUNE!!! and a link to http://stounee.ifrance.com/
I went to replace the index file and found every single other directory and file was gone! for some reason they left the board though.
The web host did have a recent backup for me thankfuly, but at a price of course.
I ended up dumping my whole vB directory and upgrading to 3.6 and changed passwords on everything.
I am with asmallorange.com and can say nothing but FINE thing for this host. They have great tech help 24/7 via email and don't charge for help. They have bailed me out of many problems. I have a dedicated server with them!
No it isn't bud. I got hacked last weekend using latest vb 3.62 and latest flashchat.
found that they had uploaded loads of ftp cgi scripts etc and were well on their way to trashing my site. My host found the activity going on and shut down my site.