trilljester, not to answer for Amy, but I don't think that's an issue related to the hack, if there aren't enough ads to display or google adsense bot has not picked the page up yet, which is rare, it will display the alternate color or alternate ad you have in place. So just specify an alternate ad in your adsense code for those times when it doesn't show up.
i did another alternate type of adsense, but it displays me nothing.. have you any ideas?
Good news and bad news. I have a fix, but it does not stop at the firstpost! If you use this be advised it will place Ads between EVERY post!
PHP Code:
<if condition="!$GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']">
PHP Code:
<if condition="$post['postcount']=1"><if>
So maybe with this some one can get a fix to make this stop AFTER the firstpost?
EDIT:On second notice, it places full ads under the first 3 posts. Then it apears to form a empty sponsored link table under the rest of the post. This happen in FireFox.
IN apers after the firstpost, and using the quick reply forms an empty table under the last post.
Good news and bad news. I have a fix, but it does not stop at the firstpost! If you use this be advised it will place Ads between EVERY post!
EDIT:On second notice, it places full ads under the first 3 posts. Then it apears to form a empty sponsored link table under the rest of the post. This happen in FireFox.
No surprise there, as the AdSense Terms of Service explicitly limits you to 3 AdSense blocks per page ...I suspect trying to display more than 3 ads is in fact a good way to get your account flagged for inspection :ermm:
on my forum i have 2 different views of adsense but they display only one ad.. have you any ideas?
That can happen when Google doesn't have enough targeted ads to fill your page view inventory. You can either try to improve the AdSense targeting on the forum, show less ad blocks per page (to ensure there's enough ads for the one you do show), or configure an Alternate URL in AdSense to show ads or banners from another ad network in cases when Google won't serve you.
Improving your AdSense targeting and revenue is really a science unto itself; I recommend you read up on the topic on forums such as Digital Point or Site Point.
No surprise there, as the AdSense Terms of Service explicitly limits you to 3 AdSense blocks per page ...I suspect trying to display more than 3 ads is in fact a good way to get your account flagged for inspection :ermm:
True but atleast its a start for getting this firefox bug fixxed.
Works great thanks, has anyone notices an increas in revenue from this add-in? I average only $5 a day right now not sure if that is good or bad but I will be curious if I get more revenue because of this or not. I know I get ads on some threads that have nothing to do with my site because of some off-topic threads.