vBulletin currently does not store a date/time for when users become friends. Trying to add this functionality would get messy. Hopefully either: a) IB decides to add it, or b) I find an elegant way to do it.
vBulletin currently does not store a date/time for when users become friends. Trying to add this functionality would get messy. Hopefully either: a) IB decides to add it, or b) I find an elegant way to do it.
Yes of course you're right but I just think it so, when sending a friend request to any user then, his/her "approve" it then, DATABASE does not work for that function? Example like this;
PHP Code:
// Make us friends
(userid, relationid, type, friend)
({$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']}, $userinfo[userid], 'buddy', 'yes'),
($userinfo[userid], {$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']}, 'buddy', 'yes')
SET friendcount = friendcount + 1
WHERE userid IN ($userinfo[userid], " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")
SET friendreqcount = IF(friendreqcount > 0, friendreqcount - 1, 0)
WHERE userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']
I know theres no timestamp on SQL Queries however that would be add a "X, with x friend" ... Oh I'm confusing now I'm so sorry that's just a suggestion by me. If you add that feature then we'll be so glad thank you for replies...
Originally Posted by Dismounted
I will have a look at the feasibility for this.
Well, I don't know what to say except 'thanks'! hehe ) thank you for your replies. I will wait more feature, regards...
Hi, when I'm logged with a statut member I can only see the "streams" of the administrator,, it's normal? and with a statut administrateur the hack work fine, thx
i mean as we get notified on facebook about any reply or or like will this mod do like this?
This replicates the "news feed" functionality only. It allows users to see what other users have been doing.
The "notification" functionality you are looking for is completely different in that it is about letting users know what other users have been doing to their content. This is not the goal of this modification.
Originally Posted by mitch84
Hi, when I'm logged with a statut member I can only see the "streams" of the administrator,, it's normal? and with a statut administrateur the hack work fine, thx
The activitystream in the user control panel allows you to see what your friends have done. It only shows stream items from your friends.
Dismounted, do you have any plan adding a blog product to your Mod? I ask because I want to know if you don't have any plan, then I write a blog add-on myself.
Improvement of this mod is going nicely and I like it! Nominated for MOTM.