Version: 1.00, by Mystics
Developer Last Online: Jun 2015
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 01-10-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 339
No support by the author.
Hack Name: Who was online today Hack Version: 1.0.2 For vB Version:: 2.x Originally Created by: genial @ Skats Board (Contact)
Documentation, Translation, a few changes and posted by: Mystics
This Hack adds something like the "Currently Active Users:"-Feature of vBulletin.
The difference is, instead of showing the users, who are currently online, it shows all Users, who were online on a day and it also displays "Most users ever online on a day".
Summary of the Features:
Shows "Number of Active Users Today"
Shows "Most users ever online on a day"
Shows last online time for each User while pointing the Mouse Cursor on it's name (=mouseover) in the list
Important: The Hack only works 100% correct, when each member is in the same time zone as the Server!
Files to edit: index.php Templates to edit: forumhome New Templates: forumhome_todayloggedinusers, forumhome_todayloggedinuser
I have attached the Install Instructions in a Text File.
The Instruction is in English and in German.
I will attach a Screenshot in a Reply to this Thread!
Post any Questions into this Thread!
Updates in 1.0.1: Inserted the two new templates into the template precaching (first step)
Updates in 1.0.2: Fixed a little Bug with the "Most users ever online on a day"-Count
(Replace '$maxusers[2] = $todayonline;' with '$maxusers[2] = $numbertodayonline;' in index.php)
Info: You can find an other version of this Hack here. In this other version the usernames of the members, who were already online today, are not shown on the Forum-Mainpage; the names are shown in an extra File (like online.php), onlinetoday.php (Screenshot).
Any time I have a record number of people online at the same time (members and quests), my most ever online on a day resets to the current day's figure. So, I am racking up three or four days, and then it gets reset. Bothersome.
Originally posted by Mystics Uhm.......are you talking about "Currently ActiveUsers", which is a standard feature of vBulletin?
No, I am talking about "Currently ActiveUsers Maximum" for today. Our record is 71 users online, concurrently. That was 3 months ago or something. Re usually hit 50/60 some days - but I have to be around to see it. My suggestion was to show:
Currently ActiveUsers: 31
There are currently 27 members and 4 guests on the boards. | Most users ever online was 71 on 18-11-2001 at 23:24. The most users on-line today at one time was: 54
The red being the bit I am after. Hope that is clear enough. aranoid:
Just wanted to say very nice mod and a big thank you! I really like this one. The only thing which would make it even better would be to also include the number of guests who visit in addition to logged in members.
Originally posted by Jawelin Yeah. Infact yesterday I applied the hack and found about 270 users from the midnight with all your corrections. Today I have 0 (zero!) users, according to the same hack...
Actually I think the traslation you made to $unixtoday var had the wrong sign ... :?:
I though to a simpler solution, I guess.
Simply, replace in the ORIGINAL HACK CODE: