Version: 3.0.5, by King Kovifor
Developer Last Online: Aug 2015
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 06-11-2006
Last Update: 05-16-2007
Installs: 360
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
When I first installed Zero Tolerence's Welcome Panel, I found that it had a lot of mistakes on my computer. I set out to make a new template for the hack - and I succeeded. This template is my rewrite of Zero Tolerence's hack.
This Hack Made Possible By Zero Tolerance
Please Remove Zero Tolerance's Plugins When Upgrading from a Previous Version!
Hack Requirements:
This hack has one requirement:
vBulletin v3.6.0 or higher. (Confirmed working with vB 3.7.0 RC1)
Installation is a breeze! Follow these simple steps:
Upload Files into folders.
Install Welcome Panel Product
Yes, it's that simple.
Feature Lists: Support for v1.x has been dropped.
Displays the number of new posts.
It displays the user's avatar & links to the edit avatar page.
Displays your forum stats:
The welcome panel is fully phrased.
Displays a link for new posts.
There is a link to edit your profile.
It shows the forum your most active in.
It displays the percent of your posts compared to the total forum posts.
It displays the users posts per day count.
It displays the users number of posts.
The welcome panel is collapsable if the user doesn't want it there.
Completely customizable through a setting group with 13 settings.
Displays users current time (in their time zone)!
Image or Textual links for New Posts, Daily Posts, and Edit Your Profile.
Displays the number of new Private Messages.
Displays the number of new Threads.
Customizable link for forum rules.
Customizable to the latest forum announcement (thread only).
Latest Announcment name is customizable through a setting.
There is an admin editable section for "useful links", HTML required.
Link to forum leaders. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
Link to Mark Forums Read. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
Link to the announcement forum.
The colors now alternate correctly on your welcome panel.
Show Version
Welcome Panel Style (Second Style by Da Pro)
FAQ Entries
Displays the number of new posts, threads, and unread private messages.
Displays the current time (using the user?s time settings)
It displays the user's avatar & links to the edit avatar page.
Displays your forum stats:
Top Poster Statistics
Amount of Posts
Fully Phrased
Re-Phrased from v2.2.0
New Posts Link (Image or Text)
Edit Profile Link (Image or Text)
Daily Posts (Image or Text)
The forum the user is most active in.
How much percentage of the forums total posts does the user own.
How many ?Posts Per Day? the user has.
The Panel is Collapsible
Customizable through 13 settings
Revamp Settings from v2.2.0
Forum Rules link.
Forums Latest Announcement
Pulled Dynamically from specified forum.
Admin Set ?useful? links ? BBCode allowed!
Links to Forum Leaders (vBulletin?s Phrase)
Links to the Mark Forums Read system (vBulletin?s Phrase)
Links to the Announcement Forum (optional)
Alternating Colors
Welcome Panel Version (optional)
Welcome Panel Style Improved!
BBCode Parsing
Link to in ACP?s Product Manager
Version Checking enabled.
Retrieve Latest Version from database, and display in template.
Improved Code: With Zero Tolerance's Permission, code rerelease made this a possibility! Improved!
Optional Plural Checking (New Posts, New Threads) New!
Change Log:
v3.0.5: May 16, 2007 - New Features & Improved Code
v3.0.4: March 23, 2007 - Bug Fix - new auto version update.
v3.0.3: Immediately released to replace 3.0.2 to add the correct template.
v3.0.2: Bug Fix, immediately removed from download
v3.0.1: Bug Fix
v3.0.0: Initial Release of 3.0.0
This mod works great on 3.7.0 Gold. However I can't get the new Notices feature to work and I think I have to revert the Navbar template to the one that 3.7.0 updated. I am wondering if this mod has altered my Navbar template as I don't want to lose it.
One of the settings... It would be a wp_* phrase and would have {X} where X is a number in there... I hope that is right... LOL. Haven't touched this is a long time.
I have it modified and working.
Heres the code in case anyone else wants to do it.
The changes are in RED
There have been <span style="color:red"><b>{1}</b></span> post{7} and <span style="color:red"><b>{2}</b></span> thread{8} since your last visit at {3}. The time is currently {4}, on {5}. You have <a href="private.php">{6}</a> unread Private Messages.
There are plans for a new major 3.7 version that may be ported back to 3.6 depending on whether or not I want feel like doing substantial code changes. This will also reduce the amount of queries (at least for a bit).