Version: 2.1.1, by King Kovifor
Developer Last Online: Aug 2015
Version: 3.5.8
Released: 11-12-2005
Last Update: 04-27-2006
Installs: 132
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
I found Zero Tolerence's Welcome Panel's template dull, and it had a lot of mistakes on my computer, and it shows up on a lot of the sites I visit that have it. It annoyed me so I threw together my own Template for his hack. This is it. I've called it Welcome Panel Template Rewrite, as that's exactly what it is. It's about to go into it's next version, so be on the look out.
This hack will not work if...
You must install this hack (Zero Tolerence's Welcome Panel) before my hack will work. It requires the plugins. Just don't follow the installation instructions for the template.
All you have to do to install this hack is upload the .xml file that's attached to your Products Manager and it'll install the template and phrases.
Note: Be sure to chose the correct .xml! It is reccomended that you chose either v1.3 (location within zip: back releases/v1.x) or v2.1.1's XML file (main folder)!
v1.3 Features:
Displays New Posts
Avatar Display
Forum Stats
Fully Phrased
New Posts Link
Edit Profile Link
Edit Avatar Link
Most Active in.
Percent of Forum Posts
Posts Per Day
Number of Posts
Forum Stats
More Features will be added in v2.0. You can gain IMAGE links by PMing me.
v2.0 Features:
Displays the number of new posts.
It displays the user's avatar & links to the edit avatar page.
Displays your forum stats:
The welcome panel is fully phrased.
Displays a link for new posts.
There is a link to edit your profile.
It shows the forum your most active in.
It displays the percent of your posts compared to the total forum posts.
It displays the users posts per day count.
It displays the users number of posts.
The welcome panel is collapsable if the user doesn't want it there.
Completely customizable through a setting group with 13 settings.
Displays users current time (in their time zone)!
Image or Textual links for New Posts, Daily Posts, and Edit Your Profile.
Displays the number of new Private Messages.
Displays the number of new Threads.
Customizable link for forum rules.
Customizable to the latest forum announcement (thread only).
Latest Announcment name is customizable through a setting.
There is an admin editable section for "useful links", HTML required.
Link to forum leaders. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
Link to Mark Forums Read. (uses vB default phrase so if you change it to something else the welcome panel also changes)
Link to the announcement forum.
The colors now alternate correctly on your welcome panel.
New! Show Version
New! Welcome Panel Style
Thanks to DaPro for Style Option #2!
Version 2.1.1 Addresses some bugs within the style.
I will give support in this thread.
Please report all bugs in this thread.
Special Thanks to...
Zero Tolerence - Zero told me how to add setting groups, settings, and everything with that sort.
lanc3lot - Thanks for making the buttons! Also for your great suggestions too!
GrendelKhan{TSU - For the fully phrased suggestion!
Planned Features...
Top Poster (ETA: v2.2)
Your Thread Count (ETA: v2.2)
Customizable Favorite Forum Link: User Set (ETA: v2.2)
Planned Settings:
Default Welcome Panel (ETA: v2.2)
Font (ETA: v2.2)
Beta Testers:
Screenshots Below.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
You have Zero Tolerences Modification installed? If so delete his template, than try it. There's just some differences in the way it's made. Or did you not look at the first one (some differences aren't noticable. Like the whole thing is phrased)
When a user see the panel, and lets say the forum has some Private Forums, it displays there also for the simple users, that for example there has been 5 news posts. But if he clicks there and the posts have been done in the private forums, he doesnt see anything..
So my main question or request is if we can exclude Private Forums from this counter there or even "show" them only to ppl that have access to these forums and the others see another number
You have Zero Tolerences Modification installed? If so delete his template, than try it. There's just some differences in the way it's made. Or did you not look at the first one (some differences aren't noticable. Like the whole thing is phrased)
Hello King.
Yes, that worked well. The Hack is installed and looks pretty cool.
The forumshome shows to welcomepanel.. Now, is there a way to remove the vbulletin default welcomepanel contents and replace it with this?