Version: 1.2.2, by isosdcftp
Developer Last Online: Dec 2007
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 05-14-2007
Last Update: 05-18-2007
Installs: 232
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Current Version is in BETA
What is it?
This hack was designed to prevent users from using a web based proxy such as to circumvent a IP address ban. It uses javascript to determine if the current domain matches the forum's domain. If it does not match, then it redirects the user to the website of your choosing. If the proxy strips the javascript code, then the forum will not be visible to the user, and a error message will be shown.
This has been tested and has blocked at least 90% of all web proxies. Best of all, this hack requires no template hacks. The hack is completely self-contained in the product file.
Phrases are used for the informational messages.
Instructions are included in the zip file.
Increased Proxy Detection massively. Good luck finding a working proxy.
Increased Browser Compatability by using the widely supported writeln function
Obfuscated Javascript code to confuse parsers such as the one in use at
Decreased javascript code size slightly
Version 1.2.1
Fixed Broken Javascript code
Version 1.2.2
Fixed Settings Panel problem
Fixed compatibility issue with Hellcat's Realtime Page Compressor
Known Bugs
Not compatible with Safari
Special thanks goes to rjmjr69
Please provide feedback
I would think since the last time the author was on line was in September and the last update to it was in May, it's pretty much a forgotten and dead mod...
OMG it's true, Google caches the java page and the redirect.
People need to uninstall this hack asap it does mess up the SEO...
For me, my board is a private one that only registered and approved members may read, so this doesn't bother me at all. Therefore I don't want search engines browsing the board and they can't.
So far this is working on a new install of vBulletin. Will see what happens when it is reopened for all members.
I wish I'd had something like this several years back when I had a year long problem with someone using masks to wrongfully access the board.
Not on my site it doesn't. Works as listed, and still have 400 spider bots on my site at any given time.
scan-pa, I just visited your site using a webproxy and I was not redirected. I had access to your portal and forum pages. Have you disabled this hack after all?
I installed it and it seemed to be working fine - I was redirected to a page I created when using a proxy, and I had access to my site using my regular IP.
However, I'm not willing to screw up access by Google etc (adsense is money LOL). Rather than take that chance I've disabled the hack, although I can't honestly see a problem with it.
Any more feedback here? I must have looked through a dozen pages of comments and people seem about 50/50 as to whether this works as it should.