Version: 1.2.2, by isosdcftp
Developer Last Online: Dec 2007
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 05-14-2007
Last Update: 05-18-2007
Installs: 232
Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Current Version is in BETA
What is it?
This hack was designed to prevent users from using a web based proxy such as to circumvent a IP address ban. It uses javascript to determine if the current domain matches the forum's domain. If it does not match, then it redirects the user to the website of your choosing. If the proxy strips the javascript code, then the forum will not be visible to the user, and a error message will be shown.
This has been tested and has blocked at least 90% of all web proxies. Best of all, this hack requires no template hacks. The hack is completely self-contained in the product file.
Phrases are used for the informational messages.
Instructions are included in the zip file.
Increased Proxy Detection massively. Good luck finding a working proxy.
Increased Browser Compatability by using the widely supported writeln function
Obfuscated Javascript code to confuse parsers such as the one in use at
Decreased javascript code size slightly
Version 1.2.1
Fixed Broken Javascript code
Version 1.2.2
Fixed Settings Panel problem
Fixed compatibility issue with Hellcat's Realtime Page Compressor
Known Bugs
Not compatible with Safari
Special thanks goes to rjmjr69
Please provide feedback
Hi, I tried your demo, it said no proxies allowed then redirected me to your site, was it meant to do that lol?
Yes, that is the purpose of this plugin. It detects if the user is using a proxy, and if so it redirects then to the site of your choosing. In this case my url.
Originally Posted by Greek76
It lets go through to your site just tried it lol. But regardless going to install I like it and I worry about individuals registering under proxies.
It seams as if uses a sophisticated javascript parser. This will be fixed in the next update.
Originally Posted by redlabour
Uninstalled because there are no real Options at AdminCP.
I have nearly 20 Domains my Board is hosted on - to much work to enter everyone directly at the Plugin-Code.
Waiting for a Update with Linkback at Productmanager at AdminCP to and a real useable Menu.
A update is under development, and will address all of your complaints
Originally Posted by Luky
I love you. Such a brilliant thinker! To bad if the person is viewing the forums in an iFrame, but eh, the chances are small
Thanks lol
Originally Posted by Charlie98902
AOL users always use a proxy does this effect them?
No, this only affects users that use web based proxies. This does not affect users such as AOL users that use traditional port based proxies.
isosdcftp, I have three words for you. I love you! I've been waiting for a proxy hack such as this one and it's finally here. Thank you, thank you very much!
Just a couple of suggestions here. I was wondering if you could add a couple of features to the hack such as "WebProxy Ban", you know. So the hack can do one of the other; either ban proxies or redirect them to the original URL address. I think that would be great.
I've disabled Javascript on my browser and have gotten this error (Just like if I was using proxies):
That's kind of a bummer. It blocks EVERYONE who has Javascript disabled, regardless of proxies or not.
One would expect people to have JavaScript running considering most sites use it. Not having it active would be a crap browsing experience.
Good work Iso can't wait to see what the update brings.