Version: , by tubedogg
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 06-02-2001
Last Update: Never
Installs: 161
No support by the author.
Thanks to Bane there has been a complete reworking of the installation/instructions for this hack. It is now up to date for 2.0.3 and the installer runs exactly like the vB install/upgrade scripts do.
There is no demo as I don't currently use stars on my board.
For version: 2.0.3
Files needed: stars.php
Files to edit: newthread.php, newreply.php, admin/misc.php, admin/index.php, admin/usergroup.php, register.php and possibly stars.php
Templates to edit: postbit
Instructions: Upload install_starshack.php and stars.php to your admin directory. Go to and login, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Upgrade information: If you have previously installed the stars hack, make sure you choose the "upgrade" option on the screen mentioned in the instructions. If you have previously installed this version (using install_starshack.php), you MUST STILL use the upgrade option even if you are reinstalling or you will get database errors.
Please correct me if wrong, but
the prefix [vB v2.2.1] before an hack release doesn't mean IT WORKS with that version ?
Could any .org moderator place a definitive word about this annoying thread ?
I mean also other hacks with conflicting authors or copyrighters and the war of the compatibility versions
I am using the Starhack 0.2.0 (german) on my vB 2.2.1 with no probs.
The Hack is still for vB 2.0.3, for 2.2.1 I had to change some "$DB_site->query"-entries, couse in 2.2.1 it is e.g. md5($password) and NOT $password (this will write the password in plain text into the user-table). Also the $avatarid is still missing.
But after some testing I got it.
Auf gut deutsch, ich habe diesen bzw. eine Vorversion dieses Hacks zum laufen gebracht. Die Installationsanleitung darf man leider nicht 1:1 ?bernehmen.
Works just fine on my test board, I did not have to change anything except some admin options because the coding that makes that table headers is not the same from 2.0.3 to 2.2.1.
Other from modifying links, I did not have to modify anything else and it is working fine, it is about to go on my main board when my site opens up.
3. admin/misc.php (Update User's Titles)
You can look for Update User's Titles and replace the line with
maketableheader("Update User's Titles - updates user titles and stars","",0);
or just add something like updates user titles and stars, which is only cosmetics and not important at all (!)
4. usergroup.php | step 2
$cangetattachment seems to be new in 2.2.0 or 2.2.1, so change the db-strings as mentioned above - with care
Just add the 2 or 3 missing bits to the strings which are there, don't just exchange them...
Good luck,
Worked for me this way in 2.2.1.
And again: Adding manually the bits of tube's hack to the strings you find is a clean an somewhat simple method.
when users go to register or post a new gives them this error below in quotes....althoug it still lets them perform these actions when they logout it doesnt let them log back in....i am running Vb 2.2.1 and iv tried all the above solutions and none work...please help me my site needs to grow
// Stars Hack $usergstars=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT starlevel,starimg FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid='$newusergroupid'"); if ($usergstars[starlevel]=="") { $getstars=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT starlevel,starimg FROM stars WHERE minposts<=$bbuserinfo[posts]+1 ORDER BY minposts LIMIT 1"); $userstarlvl=$getstars[starlevel]; $userstarimg=$getstars[starimg]; } else { $userstarlvl=$usergstars[starlevel]; $userstarimg=$usergstars[starimg]; } // Stars Hack End