Version: 4.1, by Abe1
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 09-14-2006
Last Update: 04-23-2008
Installs: 1216
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
Form Hack 4.1
Ever wanted an online form that a user can fill out, which when submitted gets:
Posted into a new thread in a forum of your choice
Create a new poll in the new thread with options of your choice
Posted as a reply in an existing thread of your choice
PMed to you or someone else
Emailed to an email address you specify
Choose to redirect to the post, thread or forum, or a custom thank you message
Choose to redirect to edit post
See a preview before they submit
Or any combination or all of the above?
Well, this is the hack for you!
You can use this for:
Moderator Applications
Quiz Submit Form which gets PMed to a moderator
Contact Form that goes to PM, email or thread
Guests to apply to be members
Report a Moderator form that goes as a PM to you
Guests can PM you for whatever reason
Order form to buy things
Donation form
News or Articles submissions that can go straight to a thread
Or anything you like - this hack is totally customizable via the AdminCP.
The beauty of this hack is that once you install this hack, to make a new form all you need to do is copy the main hook, rename it to whatever you want, edit the variables in the hook, and you have a totally new form!!! You do not need to touch the templates again, but can always create new ones and use different templates for different forms.
Format of the form:
One main input question
3 Radio buttons Choice questions
3 Normal text input questions
1 Drop down menu
3 Check boxes
1 Long answer question
1 VB message editor text box question
Upload attachments
This is customizable via the hook.
You can set the usergroups you want access to this form.
Depending on your forum permissions, if the new thread is in a public forum, members can reply to it. This hack allows a form to submit the new thread or post wherever you want it to go.
Force the user to answer all questions.
INSTALLATION Easy - takes only a few minutes:
Import the XML into products. (admin cp -> Plug-in System -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product)
Edit the main plug-in - the instructions are all inside the hook itself, in the top half. Follow the instructions carefully!
To get to the form, go to: /newthread.php?do=form (change "form" to the name of your form if you have few)
Use this hack to make as many forms as you like!
Version 4.0: (09/15/2006)
Ported over for vb3.6
Send to multiple emails.
Send multiple PMs.
Parse emails for BBCode
And finally, ATTACHMENTS!
Version 4.1: (04/24/2008)
Fixed for vb 3.6.10
Small bug fixed.
List of the 2 quick edits are in the zip file so you don't have to start making a form from scratch.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
No Divine is right since version 3.6.8 patch 2 this now creates a new error in newthread.php on line 654 and such. I had to disable the hack to get it from displaying the error code on all new posts.
Please advise
I have this working with version 3.6.8 patch 2 with no problem.
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
How do I require attachments or it can't be posted/sent?
Sorry for the copy + paste, but I had to.... I was being ignored.
I know it WILL work I just don't know why mine wont... I have had like 6 people check it over and no one can figure it out.
Have you tried disabling all your other plugins and then trying it to see if it will work? That would isolate it being one of your other plugins. If it works after you disable all your other plugins then I would enable one at a time and see which one it is interfearing with.
If that is not the casue I would say I will look into it but it looks like Kwikms is going to look into it for you already. If they can not figure it oout let me know. I can not promise anything.
No Divine is right since version 3.6.8 patch 2 this now creates a new error in newthread.php on line 654 and such. I had to disable the hack to get it from displaying the error code on all new posts.
Please advise
I am using version 3.6.8pl2 and have 2 forms working just fine on my board. One of my forms, I have hacked to bits and rebuilt as an entire stand-alone product instead of being a plugin for the original product. They work great with no errors.
Originally Posted by Kwikms
@Divine - Could be everyting, like a forgotten ; or one " to much where it shouldnt be.
Kwikms, is correct in this statement. Alot of problems can occur from adding in or forgetting to add a ';' or ' " '.
Originally Posted by DivineMessenger
I'll pay someone $10 to get mine working! lol
If you still need help, pm me. I can try to assist you. Money is not needed.
To do this open the product-form.xml in a text editor. Find
<template name="form" templatetype="template"
Look through the code that follows, it is the actual template that sets up the structure of the form. This is the area in which the html code will be for the drop down menu and the radio buttons.
This template returns the questions and answers from the form. You will need to remove the variables in this template that correspond to the drop down menu and the radio buttons.
Now find
// Part 1
Remove the lines that correspond to the drop down menu and the radio button that you have removed from the templates. Proceed down the page a bit to
// Part 2
Again, remove the lines that correspond to the drop down menu and radio buttons.
The next part is optional, but I recommend that you do this -> continue down the page until you find where the radio button variables and drop down menu are set with values. Remove these from the file. No sense in code existing in the file if it is not being used.
Not sure I understand what you mean by "tags". If you are talking about html tags, then yes. You will have to do that via the template "form". Also, some of the variables in the php code section of the xml document can hold html tags as part of the variable definition.
If this doesn't help, then please be more specific with the meaning of "tags".