I just downloaded an installed this plugin yesterday, and thought it was great. Today, my posts are disappearing. It seems that whichever post should be first on all subsequent pages is being "covered up" by the plugin. Does that make sense?
Anyway, when I disabled the product, I can see my posts again. Has anyone else experienced this? I have no code edits and I used the fresh postbit template with only a few edits. The rest of my board uses the postbit_legacy. Running 3.5Rc2.
I just downloaded an installed this plugin yesterday, and thought it was great. Today, my posts are disappearing. It seems that whichever post should be first on all subsequent pages is being "covered up" by the plugin. Does that make sense?
Anyway, when I disabled the product, I can see my posts again. Has anyone else experienced this? I have no code edits and I used the fresh postbit template with only a few edits. The rest of my board uses the postbit_legacy. Running 3.5Rc2.
Same problem .. disabled plugin and posts re-appeared !?
I had this same problem on my board. Though I'm not using your hack at the moment, I've created my own long ago in 3.0.7 for my hack system. When I had this problem, it was caused by a condition I was using. This was the condition.
HTML Code:
<if condition="$forum[ishack] == 1 AND $post[postid] == $GLOBALS['FIRSTPOSTID']">
<else /><!-- the rest of the postbit template here --></if>
I don't know if you using a simalar condtion, but that will grab the firstpost and hide it. The only problem is, that will grab the firstpost on everypage...
The only way I was able to fix this was to create a query that grabed the firstpostid out from the thread table.
Hope this helps you out some. I havn't used your hack yet, But I do plan on using it for my upgraded version of my hack install system.
Hmm, I haven't learned enough about the plugin system yet to troubleshoot this. For now, it seems that this is a very big bug and this should at least be noted in the firstpost.
I just installed this hack on my test board, and it's working fine. All post are showing up as they should. I tested with old threads that have mutiable pages, and a created 2 new threads that split into mutiable pages. Seems everything is working just fine for me.
I just installed this hack on my test board, and it's working fine. All post are showing up as they should. I tested with old threads that have mutiable pages, and a created 2 new threads that split into mutiable pages. Seems everything is working just fine for me.
Same here.
Do you have a different postbit for the first message?
Actually the last Post of every Page (that is not the first Page) disappears into Nirvana.
Explaining in detail why this does happen is not that easy, therefor i'll just post the fix
Hook: showthread_postbit_create
PHP Code:
if ($post['postid'] == $thread['firstpostid'] AND $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] > 1)
As this Hack already has Code on this Hook, replace that with
PHP Code:
if ($forum['showfirstpost'] AND $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'] > 1)
if ($post['postid'] == $thread['firstpostid'])
$post['postcount'] = '';