Want to create your very own vBulletin powered page which includes the header, footer, and the user permissions system as well?
Well now you can
Want to know how it will look? Take a look at the attached screenshot below!
Now includes the Who's Online modification! Also, instructions included on how to create your own pages that are integrated with current vBulletin files!
I'm going to give you a generic page but you can easily modify the contents of the page by changing the template
So here we go
Create a new file, whatever you want to call it (let's say test.php).
Open up test.php and add the following (replace TEST with whatever template you want to show):
PHP Code:
// ####################### SET PHP ENVIRONMENT ########################### error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
// #################### DEFINE IMPORTANT CONSTANTS ####################### define('NO_REGISTER_GLOBALS', 1); define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'test'); // change this depending on your filename
// ################### PRE-CACHE TEMPLATES AND DATA ###################### // get special phrase groups $phrasegroups = array(
// get special data templates from the datastore $specialtemplates = array(
// pre-cache templates used by all actions $globaltemplates = array( 'TEST', );
// pre-cache templates used by specific actions $actiontemplates = array(
Be sure to change 'TEST' to the actual template name, and change 'test' to the filename. Also, change 'Test Page' to whatever you want to show in the navbar, such as 'Viewing Member Profile' (just an example).
Now create the template, called TEST with the following content:
Replace 'xxx' with whatever you want ?do= in the query string to be (for example, replace 'xxx' with 'showprofile' so then someone would type in example.php?do=showprofile to view this template.) Then of course, change TEMPLATE_XXX to your template name, it's that simple!
It should happen automatically each time you create a custom template. As far as I know, nothing should be hiding those templates. There might be some issue with your hosting provider.
It should happen automatically each time you create a custom template. As far as I know, nothing should be hiding those templates. There might be some issue with your hosting provider.
what issue, those weeks out host provider its more down and with some issue, to know what to ask them
they say no issue they got, and asked me more detail to see if some update need
here is the server specification
Apache version 2.2.17
PHP version 5.2.17
MySQL version 5.1.56
Architecture x86_64
Operating system linux
Kernel version 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5
cPanel Pro 1.0 (RC1)
I think you just need to re-read the instructions, they work. You don't need to look for "Custom Templates" just "Add New Template" and it will be custom.
I think you just need to re-read the instructions, they work. You don't need to look for "Custom Templates" just "Add New Template" and it will be custom.
yes its working that, but the PROBLEM its when i want to edit the template, :erm:
as i mention before, i create template put some words on it and save it, its show with the php file as on the 1st post
but later when i want to edit it i dont see it (and all custom templates) and even when i search with some words i know there are on the template
as i mention before, i create template put some words on it and save it, its show with the php file as on the 1st post
but later when i want to edit it i dont see it (and all custom templates) and even when i search with some words i know there are on the template
Are you sure you aren't accidentally clicking revert on it at some time?
You should check your error_logs and see if anything is in there about the issue. And, check your control panel logs and see when it is getting deleted. And, check your database to verify it really isn't there.