Version: 1.01, by Delphiprogrammi
Developer Last Online: Aug 2015
Version: 3.5.4
Released: 01-05-2006
Last Update: 03-18-2006
Installs: 14
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
first this is a port of this hack and i post this with the original authors permission
this thingy modifies the vbulletin "report post to moderator" feature.It has a global switch in the admincp when switched off post reporting is as normal (like build into vbulletin).The postrporter(s) cans ee a table off the posts) they reported and a modorated can provide feedback through the modcp
optionally is the scheduled task which allows you to remove reports based on the date cutoff (specied in the system settings)you can also se this setting to "0" and choose "run now" to remove all reports at once.
like all scripts that modify your database i'd like to say please remember to have a recent backup ...
i'm also working on porting this to the plugin system so the fileedits are no longer needed but that's not quite ready yet
instructions on howto install the system are in the zip
not working as it should ? errors ? give me a yell i'm allways around
vbulletin product
Here's a vbulletin product that does the same as the code modification.The only thing that isn't working yet is the "also email" option when somebody reports a post (i temporarly removed it)
installation is like any other vbulletin product.Plugin system => manage products => add product => import the xml
set the settings like you want (it has it's own settingsgroup) hit save and you're done
Optional is the cpnav_postreport.xml this adds the menu to the admincp to avoid admins must logins to the modcp.Upload this file to /includes/xml/
installation instructions for the product
if you installed the system using the included installer run it again and choose uninstall (requirerd or you will get MySQL errors)
download the product XML and import it to your productmanager in your admincp
edit the postreportsystem settings and hit save
using the product the file edit in report.php is no longer needed
New release version 1.0.1(instrunctions)
upload all files from the zip(no need to manually add the templates)
import product-postreports.xml (this file contains the templates)
goto vbulletin->options->postreport settings and adjust like you whish (click save when you're done)
with version 1.0.1 file edits are no longer needed it also calls build_language(); and build_language_datastore(); so no problems with phrases should occour
vBulletin 3.6.x contains similair functionalty by default sow it is not needed to install this on Bulletin 3.6.x
3)Add the postreports system templates (postreports & postreportbits)
Sorry Im kinda newb here.. what this and how do I do it?
1) in your admincp there is a thing called "style & templates" expand it choose the stylemanager.Now you see all the styles installed on your board choose a style where you want to add the templates and next to it there is a drop down menu (the first item is "all style options") choose "add a new template" there in this menu.Add the templates from the templates folder int he zip
make sure you use the correct names or you'll just get a white blank page because the system can't find the template
In your emaill update you said there are no more file edits, but I'm a bit confused. Can you update the instructions to how we should install it now? Much appreciated.
In your emaill update you said there are no more file edits, but I'm a bit confused. Can you update the instructions to how we should install it now? Much appreciated.
i have updated the first post ... you need to uninstall if you want to use the product