2.3.1 was released today, a few bugs and a minor XSS security issue where fixed.
From vBulletin.com
vBulletin 2.3.1
vBulletin 2.3.1 is mainly a maintence release, although a minor XSS security issue was fixed. We recommend that all sites running vBulletin versions older than 2.3.1 upgrade as soon as possible. No versions of vBulletin 3 Beta are affected by this security problem.
Files and Templates Changed
For this release, almost every file and template has been changed, as we have altered all URL strings to use & instead of & for HTML standards compliance. These changes do not affect functionality, so you need not revert your templates except for those noted below in the 'Template Changes' section. These templates have had bugs fixed or new functionality added. The same is true for changed files. While almost all files have changed, only those listed below contain changes related to bugs or functionality. Other changed files relate only to the & to & changes.