A couple of times in the pat, my site has been "attacked" by a select few members of another site. Now my super mods were able to ban them however they kept re-registering under different usernames and it was only until an admin was able to log in and ban the attackers IP's that the problem was solved.
I was thinking that a hack that would enable super moderators to ban/unban IPs would benefit a lot of forums out there.
i think probably the best way of doing this, would be copying some of the code from options.php in the admincp into a new file in the mod cp changing it to allow access to supermods, and restricting the settings group to only allow changes to the banning options group.
Giving access to all the banning options gives access to the coventry feature as well as email banning (if they were continually coming back they would be most likly using free email accounts banning @hotmail.com for a few hrs might help) the coventry feature is also quite nice in dealing with spammers and flamers. since adding them to this stops their posts from being displayed thus they aren't going to be annoying anyone, once they get bored and go away you can mass prune their posts and ban the accounts.
i'll put something together if someone else hasn't done so next time i check back here.
i think probably the best way of doing this, would be copying some of the code from options.php in the admincp into a new file in the mod cp changing it to allow access to supermods, and restricting the settings group to only allow changes to the banning options group.
Giving access to all the banning options gives access to the coventry feature as well as email banning (if they were continually coming back they would be most likly using free email accounts banning @hotmail.com for a few hrs might help) the coventry feature is also quite nice in dealing with spammers and flamers. since adding them to this stops their posts from being displayed thus they aren't going to be annoying anyone, once they get bored and go away you can mass prune their posts and ban the accounts.
i'll put something together if someone else hasn't done so next time i check back here.
i'll put something together if someone else hasn't done so next time i check back here.
ok basically i've got this coded up (acctually coded down by deleteing useless stuff from options.php) and i will post this up once i've ensured its functioning correctly. currently i've not got an victim ... i mean smod online to test it.
in addition to this, i wanted to modify the ip ban check so that superadmins aren't effected by ip bans... could get awkward if your smods are not fully trust worthy.
ok basically i've got this coded up (acctually coded down by deleteing useless stuff from options.php) and i will post this up once i've ensured its functioning correctly. currently i've not got an victim ... i mean smod online to test it.
in addition to this, i wanted to modify the ip ban check so that superadmins aren't effected by ip bans... could get awkward if your smods are not fully trust worthy.