Hello Vbulletin Staff, I was currently lookin for the hide hack in google and this site popped up under one of the entries
the site is called
This site has all your hacks posted for free download which i dont think is legal. They have a forum running an illegal versoin of vbulletin which and a download hacks script for users to jsut type attachment id of a hack and it auto downloads the file.
the forum site which is linked on [removed] is
and the downloader script they have is
They host all these files on thier server and so that made me suspicious so i am reporting this site to you in hopes of shutting it down. I dont have a vbulletin.com account for me to download on here yet but i am saving up for an account slowly but surely, and i dont want to feel ripped off and i dont want people who have payed for vb.com accoun'ts to feel ripped off