Well im on the run.. but im stuck on the posting thread part
<!--#include file="encryption/md5.asp"-->
'Response.Buffer = True
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml, strUsername, strPassword
strHost = "http://host/"
strUsername = "blahblah"
strPassword = "blahblah"
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
' login procedure
strPost = "?vb_login_username=" & strUsername
strPost = strPost & "&cookieuser=0"
strPost = strPost & "&s="
strPost = strPost & "&do=login"
strPost = strPost & "&forceredirect=1"
strPost = strPost & "&vb_login_md5password=" & MD5(strPassword)
' login to the board
xml.Open "POST", strHost & "/login.php" & strPost, False
response.Write "<h3>Login screen " & xml.Status & "</h3>"
Response.Write xml.responseText
' post procedure
strSubject = "dsdsdsdasdasdasd"
strBody = "dsadsadassdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeweefefeff"
strPost = "?do=postthread"
strPost = strPost & "&f=15"
strPost = strPost & "&subject=1"
strPost = strPost & "&message=1"
strPost = strPost & "&poststarttime=" & UDate(now())
strPost = strPost & "&signature=1"
strPost = strPost & "&parseurl=1"
strPost = strPost & "&disablesmilies=1"
strPost = strPost & "&sbutton=Submit New Thread"
' post message
xml.Open "POST", strHost & "/newthread.php" & strPost, False
xml.setRequestHeader "Referer:",strHost & "/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=15"
response.Write "<h3>After submit screen " & xml.Status & "</h3>"
Response.Write Replace(xml.responseText,"Refresh","")
Set xml = Nothing
function UDate(oldDate)
UDate = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", oldDate)
end function
The login procedure works (because the result page showed me that i was logged in as blahbla) .. but now i want to post a thread.. it just doesnt seem to work.. i get a blank result.. When i enter an invalid forum id it returns the invalid forum id message.. but when everything seems right the page returns blank and no post is created. Is there somekind of referer check on newthread.php? Or do i miss something do i miss some kind of variable? Please help me. Is it even possible