i have this query
PHP Code:
$journal_view = $DB_site->query("
SELECT u.username, e.entryid, e.journalid, e.title, e.entry, e.mood, e.np, e.timestamp, e.userid, e.private, e.displayorder, e.comments
FROM journal_entry e
LEFT JOIN user u ON e.userid = u.userid
WHERE e.private = 0
AND e.journalid = $journalid
AND $postids
ORDER BY e.timestamp DESC
however what i'm wondering if whether while i'm dragging these out of the database using a while, i can have em so that anything written on the same data comes under a single date heading where as if it's another day it would add another date heading. i know it'a a while but not quite sure how to do it.
an example of what i'm trying to acheive would be
Sunday 29th June
[entry one on above date @ time]
[entry two on above date @ time]
Friday 27th June
[entry one on above date @ time]
Monday 23rd June
[entry one on above date @ time]
[entry two on above date @ time]
Sunday 22nd June
[entry one on above date @ time]
i'm not very good at time stamps i'm afraid
and heres the while i'm currently using to display the data
PHP Code:
while ($journal = $DB_site->fetch_array($journal_view))
$entrydate = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $journal[timestamp]);
$entrytime = vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $journal[timestamp]);
$journal[description] = parse_bbcode($journal[entry]);
$journal[description] = stripslashes($journal[description]);
$privatecountposts = $privatecountposts-1;
$countposts = "p" . $privatecountposts;
$entrystatus = "[Private Entry #$privatecountposts]";
$bordercolor = "#D2698B"; // SHOULD BE CHANGED
$countposts = $pubcount--;
$entrystatus = "[Entry #$countposts]";
$bordercolor = "{tableheadbgcolor}";
$journal[title] = stripslashes($journal[title]);
$journal[description] = html_entity_decode($journal[description]);
$journal[mood] = stripslashes($journal[mood]);
$journal[np] = stripslashes($journal[np]);
eval('$entrybits .= "' . fetch_template('journal_entrybits') . '";');