ok.. before anyone thinks that what im asking for is another napster, this isnt the idea... the idea came from one of our members on our community. they asked if its possible to have a addon to the vb forums, where members can upload / submit audio files (.mp3, .wav, .mid, etc.) in order to get the music of online members to everyone... kind of like an Indie Music Area ... to start things off this hack would need the following features...
-- fully integrated vb member db
-- upload / submit option for members to music exchange area
-- top list for most downloaded music
-- each song would have the option of: 'Song Title, Album Title, Length'
-- Members can comment on certain songs (Approve, disapprove)
-- Members can search for song
-- Members can add songs to a 'my favorites'
-- can approve/disapprove songs (to avoid copyright issues)
-- can edit comments of members
-- can delete song
... i wish i was a PHP coder myself to tackle this hack, but i know that if this hack is created it would be used by many people with vb forums!