Well it has crossed my mind a few times and I would like to run a raffle here @ vBulletinTemplates with a load of various prizes; not only to give back to the community, but to bring alive vBT a little more.
For those that do not know what a raffle is, a raffle is a type of drawing in which tickets are sold, once X amount of tickets are sold, winners are drawn from the sold tickets and the prizes are given out.
Now in order to do this, a decent number of tickets would need to be sold in order to compensate for the prizes, so far, I have the below listed as prizes (this is not a final list, I am passing the idea to you all to see if you would participate in such an event):
- HiveMail License
- vBulletin License
- Free Web Hosting
- Gift Certificates
- Ect.
The base price for tickets I believe will be $5-$6/per ticket, with no limit on the amount you can buy. I will tally the total for the prizes and divide that up among the price to see how many tickets would need to be sold in order to run this.
So what do you guys think, would this be worth a shot? If run, would you tell others and spread the word regarding the raffle? (NO SPAMING FORUMS, WEBSITES, OR E-MAILS ELSE YOU WOULD BE BANNED).
Let me hear your thoughts on this; this would be a great way to promote vBT as well as give away some really cool prizes! .