Another great hack made for invisionboard that i'd really like to see ported to vbulletin
*|Feature List
*|01) Uses IBF's skinning system and can be customized through the admincp
*|02) Uses IBF language and thus can be the language can be modified through the admincp
*|03) Changing of settings , adding of categories,editing categories and delete categories can be done through the admincp
*|04) Permissions for download files , adding downloads, editing own downloads and managing downloads can be given and taken away through the admincp(Permissions can be given to the whole group and not to indivisuals)
*|05) You can make it such that all downloads are accepting by a specific group before being available for downloading.
*|06) If the permission to manage downloads is given to a group.Then the members of that group can delete,edit and accept downloads
*|07) If the permission is given then users can edit there own downloads.
*|08) Downloads can be searched
*|09) Unlimited number of categories
*|10) Errors messages can be changed through the admincp
*|11) Downloads can be grouped according to their ascending,decending order or through there name,id,author,date of submission,views and downloads.
*|and growing
IF anyone know how to make something similar please let me know
Thank you