I'm a big fan of many RPG's. I program for a living and have a great imagination. When I think of an RPG one game comes to mind, Final Fantasy. This game has moved many accross the world and has taken me with it.
- The Project -
I'm currently in development of an "Ultimate RPG Look". It's around 65% complete and is considered a major upgrade. The following will help to identify it better.
This Template "Addition" Has:
A Very Large Amount Of Images, Roughly Around 85.
It's Difficulty Of Installation Is About A 4/10.
It's Difficulty Of Creation Was About An 8/10.
The Following Will Be Modified:
Forum Display (The Most Of Them)
Administrator Display
And Many More....
- The Release -
I'm prodicting around a July 29th release of this template "addition". Until then I will keep on with updates. If you would like to contact me, drop an email or spot a pm. I will check in atleast once every day here at vBulletinTemplates.com. Thank you. My regards,