Version: , by bandersen
Developer Last Online: Jul 2007
Version: Unknown
Released: 05-05-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
I hope someone can help me out... I have a syntax error in the signup adult template / the Agree button... I dont know how to remove the error. (The cancel button is working ok).
When clicking on the Agree button I now get a small window saying:
line 748
document.forms.O.avatarset. SelectedIndex is NULL or not a object
If I click no to debug... things are working like normal.. I am taken to the signup page. if i click yes to debug, the following area is marked:
line 747 if (document.images.avatarpic !=null) }
line 748 document.images.avatarpic.src=document.forms(0).av atarsel[document.forms[0].avatarsel.selectedIndex].value;
I have tried to install the original file (register.php) and the original signup adult template. I still got this error. The only hack I had / have in the register.php is the "Default PM to new users". I dont know if that one has anything to do with this tho.
Please help someone.. ... I will try what you suggest... Is there anything I can add to the template to make this go away??
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hmm....just turn off IE's debugging tool, that well make it stupid it's bit**en
btw...if you don't know how, go to Tools>Internet Options>Advanced
then scroll down tell you see "Disable scirpt debugging" (should be under "Browsing") and just click the box and click "OK"
When I run debugging I dont see the <script> ending with a </noscript> tho.... could be it right? However the file is in "read only" there. Is it possible to write to it somehow? Then I can test.
When I look at the signup template this section does not look the same...
Woooops... I just threw in a </noscript> anyways. It worked!!!! I hope...
for one thing, you shouldn't be able to see the <script> and </scrpt> thing if it was put in correctly, if not, then you'll see one with an error on the bottem left hand corner of your IE with a yellowis type of thing, just dubble clicking it shows you want is wrong on that page. if you want to be able to edit a file that's on the server, you need to change it's permisses by connecting to it via FTP and chose the file you want to be able to right to and right click and choose CHMOD (some well just be propatiaes (or whatever) while others or Permisians, etc, just look for the one where you can set the permisisans) and put it as 777
When I go to register.php and right click for show code on that page in the browser... everything is there. I get no error in PHP Editor when debugging register.php...
I get this error when entering the registeradult template in the browser:
document.forms.O.avatarset. SelectedIndex is NULL or not a object
(IEs debugging does not tell me what is wrong.. only where = yellow error is placed on the lines above).... coding above also match the original files in vbulletin.