I like the system this board and vbulletin.com uses to differentiate between licensed and unlicensed users. I'm administering a vB for a software company and would like to implement same or similar system. Can anyone help?
Well, at the very least the mods need to be able to tell licensed users from unlicensed ones. Since we sell multiple products, users should have a page where they can enter their order information and the script would retrieve what they purchased. If possible, that information should be displayed on their posts, but only to a mod. If that's not possible or too difficult, a simple registered flag will do.
Controlling access to certain places on the forum should be an option as well. I would also like threads started by licensed users to come up on top of other ones.
Originally posted by FireFly What exactly do you mean by that system? That some people have access to places and some don't, something like that?
I think this is what he is trying to say. He runs a company which sells software. He has some kind of support forums. He wants to have apage where he can list usernames which had legally order the software. And on forums mods could see if it was a legal customer or not (whthere username is in that page or not) and potentially even have some parts restricted to users who's username isn't on that page.