Well it took me all night to get past step 3 and then it goes to step saying error but it still attaches to database then it says databased(We installed vb lite) used so I delete but I back it up then it still doesn't work.(painstaking reinstalls everything) How do I get rid of the stuff in the database without deleting everything which didn't work?
((I tried .com but my email which is hotmail was full and didn't get the registion and couldn't find out how to resend it.))
Shadowwalker, please go to this page and enter your username, to show you are licensed. (you will need to use your customer number and password to access that page)
Thank you.
Damn I guess I'll get it from my friend he won't use it, since we are friends and stuff, ummm... is that why I can't delete this post k I see that, well my friend, and I also three other guys are setting up a forum he won't be online for a half an hour can I like do that.
Meh... Why you using my sig quote I could replace it with my banner. How do I get rid of vblite or add it to my new vb, well the address that it will have is in my profile we have the home page almost set(which is minus /forums/) can someone help.
Fixed I found that Ges uploaded the vb into the vblite folder so I fixed it. http://gamersdistrict.orphus.com/vbf...letin2/upload/ Tell me what you think. I also saw the hacks, I can't wait to try one. Also I got the user name, and pass.