I'm trying to update vbsocial Wall to work properly on vb4.2.5 but am having issues. I'm not much of coder and tend to get lucky. Has anyone managed to get this to work with 4.2.5 or would anyone be interested in helping? Here are some of the issues I still face (that I'm aware):
Display an error if the character limit set in options is exceeded
regex to detect Youtube videos not working
Link preview not working. An empty preview image is generated and added to the status post as file location text, not HTML
Here's some of what I've fixed already (that I can remember):
Commented out plugin code to remove "no user specified" error. Pretty sure this bit of code also allows users to post on someone else's wall but I haven't figured out the proper way to fix it so users can only post on their own wall
attached/uploaded images are shown with HTML instead of just the location in text