I'm trying to change the forumid to match my old forum, because everyone was familiar with it. Anyone can help me with this problem ?
Also there are a" block manager" feature in the admincp but when I click to it,it says the file admincp/block.php does not exist. The vb3.x I downloaded from the member area and it does not have this file.
You wouldn't want to do this. A lot of different tables in vBulletin's database reference to the forumid. You'd have to find all of the tables that do this and change the forumid.
The forumids ares not usually something that anyone other than admins ever see?maybe you are trying to change something else.
not sure about that, his members might have a quick link to a forum in their favourites e.g. http://url.com/forumdisplay.php?f=forumid to display lists of threads and such.
not sure about that, his members might have a quick link to a forum in their favourites e.g. http://url.com/forumdisplay.php?f=forumid to display lists of threads and such.