Version: 1.2.0, by paradoxG(r)eek
Developer Last Online: Aug 2021
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.8.11
Released: 04-12-2017
Last Update: Never
Installs: 5
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Since 2006 I was serving community members with my Free Mods
But as this site will starts operating by the company,
I'm no willing to support them
** File Removed **
Video Club
Fetch Videos from many Providers with URL since ver. 1.2.0 you can also embed any valid video code
Things to know !!!
If your site is SSL and you try to show a video from a non SSL site, video should not works.
If you can't show YouTUBE videos, most probably your API key is wrong. Be sure that you've setup correct the API key and it is ver. 3. Here is a good tutorial.
If you see strange characters in the text, the problem is character encoding. Even in English, if you're using iso-8859-1 but the video provider uses UTF-8 should have some problems. But you can edit the text, so not so important issue.
Video Club is a Video Gallery mod for your community. It's easy to use and has a nice interface. User just needs to enter a link to the video and set a category. All others done automatically. For comments supports Thread per video but also the well known Disqus external commenting system. I strongly recommend you to use Disqus as it's very social and soon you'll see an increment amount of pageviews.
2.- Video Providers (Websites)
ver. 1.2.0 NEW!! Now you can add manual any video code your want
3.- Comments
Not only one but 3 types for comments (plus an option to not use comments)
Ajax comments
4. Installation
Upload all files from upload folder to the folder where your vBulletin 4.2 is installed
CMOD 777 the directories
Login to your admincp and import the file product-videoclub.xml
If you want modify PM templates but don't touch anything between {}
Set the Categories
5.- PRO Version
After many years I decided to use PRO version not as a way not to earn money (I don't expect to have more than 10 sales), but rather to find a way to pay for some commercial scripts that I want to use in the PRO version (Distribution License). The follow features will be in the PRO version:
Extra Providers
Videoplayer with support for prevideo ads
Better carousel for latest videos at top
Video search in multiple providers
Many notifications
Brand free
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Thank you for releasing Chris would you link me to the pro version please.
At this moment, there is no pro version .... If I see that there is interest from vB3 users, I'll release it. Otherwise, step by step, I'll add those extra features for free.
Installed on test site. Love it.
I have another video library addon installed that uses video.php so, I changed your video.php to videoclub.php and edited all files with video.php in it to videoclub.php, all works well.
Having a few issues though.
Preview Thumbs are not rendering.
Threaded discussion does not show the video in the new thread.
What exactly does it means? They don't appear at all or they don't appear well?
If it's the first keep in mind that the script tries to get the high quality thumb and if it does not exists then tries for medium quality. If nothing exists then does not fetches anything as the default thumb is very poor quality. In this case you've the option to upload you own thumb.
Originally Posted by blind-eddie
Threaded discussion does not show the video in the new thread.
Is not a bug but rather the way that mod has coded. Thread is just for discusssion. Many mods are adding even some short part of the text instead of full description. If I add the video there, then, be sure that nobody will visits the video page.
I added a video to both this addon and the one I am using atm. This addon does not show a preview thumb but, only on select videos. Mine however shows a thumb for all videos.
I added a few to your test board that did not show thumbs.
Same video both addons
Created Thread both addons
I know what you are saying about the video club not being visited but, I don't have that problem. Only a few use it anyway and like the vids to show and rarely discuss them.
I added a video to both this addon and the one I am using atm. This addon does not show a preview thumb but, only on select videos. Mine however shows a thumb for all videos.
Please upload the attached file to videoclub/includes/ and let me know if it fetches thumbnail in videos that it was not fetching before.