Please note that the Ajax Datagrid that comes as free to you is a commercial script and thus using it outside the specific folder (christeris/datagrid) is not allowed by the script's license agreement.
1.- What is PM Spy
It's a very simple utility to help Admins/Moderators (depending on usergroup permissions), to know what is happening behind the scene. In simple words with this utility you can search all user PM's using Ajax (search as you type).
You can search on:
Recipient(s) ....Pending... I'm waiting a fix from the author of Datagrid
Send date
Usernames are clickable to user profile
Moving the mouse over the title you can see the full message in tooltip. Don't forget that the text that your enter as search in Title also searches in Message body.
Multi mark PMs as read (does not affects the User Read vb option).
By clicking the title you can change indexing Ascending/Descending to all fields.
2.- Todo List.
If I'll see that this utility will be usefull to you (at least 50 installations) I have in mind to extend it by adding some more features like:
Edit PM
Delete PM (Single or Multi action)
Ban User
.... and many more
3.- Installation
Download and unzip the file
Upload the content of upload folder to the directory where your vB installation is. As a check: pmspy.php must be on the same directory as global.php, forum.php etc. PM Spy is not working out of vB installation directory.
CMOD 666 the file: christeris/datagrid/logs/errorlog.txt
Goto Admincp and import product-pmspy.xml
There are some settings at Settings-> Options-> PM Spy Settings
Chistos, thanks for taking the time to share your work. People here are too hard on developers just sharing some programming. They act as if your making money at it.
On the board I oversee we have a whole religion about keeping private messages private, but that does not mean I cannot appreciate your work. Thanks again.
I was also thinking same as some here, before I was absolutely against any privacy invasion but now I don't think same as before, why?
Well, I got me some rats on my site, they were acting for months to "steal" some of my best active members blaming me for some the end my site got 50-60% less activity and after 2years I still cant fully recover from that damage...if in that time I was having this tool I could stop that in time
Mod should be rated by his options not cause your opinions is it right or not to use this, if you don't need it that is something else ... but sooner or later you will need it if your forums are active
Its cool that there is no any copyright link, I would like to pay for things like that but I just cant pay everything these days...hope soon I will have some spare money to purchase one of your great modifications
Christos thank you once more, installed, nominated, rated.... greets from Belgrade :]
For anyone thinking of using this I would suggest a disclosure in the TOS that PM's are subject to review by the admins. This could help the board ops avoid any legal issues.
warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]\christeris\datagrid\includes\pmspy_functions.php (line 19)
I would like to heave a menu tab instead the access through the browser
Even if I believe that the error was temporary, try to upload the attached file at:
As for the menu you've to wait till the next update.
This is hilarious, guys read post #5 here and stop acting like some religious lunatic lawyers...
Please let rest of us discuss about this mod here not about your beliefs, I don't want to read your nonsense ...want to read about news and potential problems with this nice modification