Its been awhile! How is everyone doing? I still see some old faces (theoretically speaking, not saying you're old) still making their way around. I'll be around more as I pretty much rebuild my site from the ground up. Literally.
Welcome Back guys! I'm here since 2009 or maybe a bit earlier all the time, sometimes with a few hours, a few days or a few weeks brakes but most of time I am visiting here daily. Sometimes even 4-8 hours or more a day digging though the posts and attachments in search of the code I need. Because I think is a gold mine of php code and that's also why I made my avatar relevant to this statement. Too bad not much socializing is going on in Longue Sub-Forum cause I feel more and more familiar with some nicks.
Its been awhile! How is everyone doing? I still see some old faces (theoretically speaking, not saying you're old) still making their way around. I'll be around more as I pretty much rebuild my site from the ground up. Literally.
Back to snooping I go!
Hey Lisa! Glad to see you're still kickin'. Still working on MisfitMoms (if memory serves me correctly)?