Version: , by gengar003
Developer Last Online: Apr 2005
Version: Unknown
Released: 04-26-2003
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
I guess that's an OK subject... anyway, assuming I have a matching medium-dark blue style to match, what do you think of this header image?
My main questions are:[list=1][*]Does it look ok?[*]what font should the title be?[*]I also want the word "FORUMS" underneath the title, where should it go?[*]should be buttons be as they are, and be made into an image map,[*]or should they be Text in a seperate table cell[*]Are the buttons good colors?[*]My forum is a (small) anime forum, should I put some pics on the banner?[/list=1]
*whew* That's a lot of q's...
As people have been commenting, I've been changing it and making it better, here's the ones that've been made so far:
Ok firstly i'd say it looks too simple. I'd add a series of 1's and 0's in 5pt in a pixel font and make it smooth and add this in a few places in the banner. Also the font in the nav is far too big and also you could make your life a lot easier if you used a simple font like arial and verdana as then you wouldn't have to edit the psd to add another link - and there's the task of making an image map or slicing the image all over again lol
That's a GREAT Idea, miSt, but I CANNOT, for the LIFE of me, figure out how to get the font that your name is in your avatar....
Also, I don't get what u mean about using Arial or Veradna... It's still an image. Or do you mean that I make a seperate cell for the links?
Anyway, if you could help me with the font thing, I'd add that in, but I've added some stuff, made it a little more "active"
Also, there's a blank blue area above the "Forums" in the upper left, and I can't decide to do something like the 0's and 1's, another images, some spikes, lines, etc... but I do think it should be filled in with something bland and "background-ish"
Here's the newer version (That still needs 1's and 0's in the impossible-for-me-to-find pixel font)
Also, as a .gif, the gradient is kinda wierd, but that allows for transparency... should I scrap transparent in favor of nicer-looking gradient?
Well it certainly looks a lot better. I'd use a more high-tech font for your forumname and lower the bevel on it Perhaps try duplicating the layer in a lighter color and then putting it behind the existing text and moving it about 4 px down and to the right
Also i'd move the text for the nav bar with less spacing and centered slightly more. It seems to close to the curved edges
The font in my avatar is 04_9B But i'd use 04_8B for the 1's and 0's
Also that's not a very nice font still. I'd try using something such as neuropol, xenotron or samba is dead. I got those fonts from either or