Any ideas on how to deal with the size of this table. Nearly 8 gigs in size. I believe the table is slowing down the entire forum.
Does this table even exist on VB 3.8 or is this a 4.2 table? For some reason my database on my old mysql server did not have this table, but my new server has it for some reason. Switched severs a few weeks ago.
That does appear to be a vb4-only table (I don't have that table in my vb3 forum, and I find no referecne to it in the code). I don't know if 8Gb is a reasonbable size - I suppose it could be if your forum has a lot of posts.
That does appear to be a vb4-only table (I don't have that table in my vb3 forum, and I find no referecne to it in the code). I don't know if 8Gb is a reasonbable size - I suppose it could be if your forum has a lot of posts.
Yes it is. I deleted the table. Forum has over 12 million posts so the size is reasonable.
It is strongly recommended to go to sphynx search if you have that large of a site. I believe there is a vbulletin released plugin for sphynx over on
It is strongly recommended to go to sphynx search if you have that large of a site. I believe there is a vbulletin released plugin for sphynx over on