Discussion about the quality of vb4
i just wanted to start a little discussion about the overal quality auf vbulletin 4 since its release. The recent months were really frustrating for me. Since the switch to vb4 and the CMS all the news i post dont make it to google, before that i would aways get into the first or second page. Also the Security Problems and Exploits that surfaced in the last months really made me think about the future and if i should really continue to stick with vbulletin. The CMS is a SEO nightmare and the Forum Software isnt that much ahead of other solutions anymore. Other Projects picked up steam in the last months and also have a very active modding Community. Also a lot of good Devs already switched over to xenforo at least the guy that made the media library and some other people that used to work with vbulletin.
What are your thoughts towards vbulletin at this moment?