Hi! I accidentally uploaded a paypal donate mod for vb4 to my vb 3.8 forum! Hardly any damage was done, except...all of my styles? The category strip width looks a little funky. Not neat and centered like it usually would. This is really making my board look ugly. Atleast in my opinion. So, I am contemplating deleting my vb forum folder from my admin cp, and then reuploading a copy of my forum folder I "filezilla'ed" back in the Summer of last year. Thus, attaining the normal look of my board. First, I have a few questions beforehand...
This does not pertain to my sql database. I don't want to delete the database, just the forum folder. And then reupload it. Can I do this and maintain database integrity?
Also, mysql databases just hold posts, threads, and messages? Data basically right? All of the vbulletin stuff I mentioned above i.e. styles, etc is located in my forum folder right? So I can do this without losing anything?
P.S., my styles were SELF-CREATED. I never uploaded or installed a skin. I simply kept the default skin for vb, then created a child style, restyled that. Then created a child style under that one, and restyled it. And on and on. So I they should be in my vb forum folder correct? Since it was just reskinning and restyling? Not installing any new skins?